Study abroad

The Department of Romance Studies and Classics organizes courses abroad in four of our languages: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish


Study abroad and take Swedish higher education credits

During our study abroad courses, you conduct a semester of full-time studies of 30 credits in France, Spain, Italy or Portugal. The courses have the same content as French I, Spanish I, Italian I and Portuguese I. This means you receive Swedish higher education credits but are taught by teachers from one of our foreign partner schools: French in Aix-en-Provence, Italian in Rome, Portuguese in Porto or Spanish in Málaga. After completing the course, you can continue and study at the next level (French II, Italian II, Portuguese II, Spanish II) at Stockholm University or another university.

French I in France (FR1UT2)

Italian I in Italy (IT1UTL) 

Portuguese I in Portugal (PO1UTL)

Spanish I in Spain (ES1UT2)


Erasmus - Latin American Studies

During the third semester of the master's program, our students have the opportunity to study at one of our partner universities in Salamanca ( or Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3) through an Erasmus+ scholarship.

Read more about our Latin American Studies programs:
Master's Program in Latin American Studies (HLATO)

For more information about this opportunity, contact the international exchange coordinator for Latin American Studies well in advance.

The application period for agreements via our department is March 1-31. Important! A shorter application period applies for Università di Venezia "Ca' Foscari" (March 1-15).

To apply for an exchange spot for fall 2024/spring 2025:

Contact your study advisor well before the final application date to book a meeting.

At the meeting, you will receive an application form that must be submitted by the deadline. You do not need to select courses before applying, as this is done after nomination.

Note! Late applications will not be accepted!

- At the time of application, you must have completed Course 1, 30 credits (French I, Italian I, Portuguese I, or Spanish I), and have either completed or be enrolled in Course 2, 30 credits (French II, Italian II, Portuguese II, or Spanish II). You can also be enrolled in Course I if you plan to go on exchange the following spring semester, as you will have time to complete Course II in the fall semester.

- To go on exchange, at least 60 credits (levels I + II) must be completed by the end of the semester before your stay abroad (preparatory courses cannot be included in these 60 credits).

- Studies at the partner university must be transferable to our department after the exchange.

- You must be an active student at Stockholm University at the time of application, meaning you are enrolled in a course and intend to apply for a degree from Stockholm University.

General information on requirements for studying abroad as an Erasmus student (in swedish):

When and how to apply?
The department announces exchange spots once per academic year. The application period is March 1-31 and applies to the upcoming fall and/or spring semester. Late applications will not be accepted.

Important! For the 2025/2026 academic year, the application period will be January 15 – February 15.

To apply for an exchange spot, contact the study advisor/international coordinator for your subject well in advance of the deadline to book a meeting.

During the meeting, you will receive information about what it means to be an exchange student and an application form to apply for an exchange spot. The application must include, among other things, a letter in the target language where the student introduces themselves and explains their reasons for wanting to go on exchange.

After the application deadline, the department decides which students can be nominated for exchange spots, based on the applicable rules. The students concerned will then be notified.

If there are more qualified applicants than available exchange spots, priority will be given to those with the most credits completed at Stockholm University, as documented in Ladok by the application deadline. Credits completed at other institutions are not included. If applicants have the same number of credits, a lottery will be used.

After nomination for an exchange spot:
Students nominated for exchange studies are expected to take courses equivalent to French III, Italian III, Spanish III, or Portuguese III, 30 credits. Courses are chosen in consultation with the department's study advisor/international coordinator for each language.

Note that the Department of Romance and Classical Languages must approve the student's course selection before departure—and any changes made after arrival. This is done through a Learning Agreement (LA).

During your stay abroad, you can apply for student aid for foreign studies—contact CSN for more information. There is also a specific Erasmus scholarship for Erasmus students. The International Mobility Unit, part of the Student Affairs Office, is responsible for the Erasmus scholarship.

Practical information for students nominated for exchange (in swedish):

You can get an idea of the exchange universities by reading student interviews (in swedish) from previous Erasmus scholarship recipients and other exchange students. They share their experiences of studying abroad.

General information about exchange studies, information on all exchange opportunities at Stockholm University—central agreements such as CIVIS, internship opportunities, etc.—can be found on the university's central website (in swedish).

Before applying for an Erasmus exchange, you should contact the international coordinator for more information. Nominated students will receive ongoing information.



Spanish & Portuguese
Student Affairs Office
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