Great participation in the Student Day event at NILAS

Many students, organisations and embassies attended the Student Day at NILAS (Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies)

Details StudentDay at Nilas Romklass
The aim of the event was to present information regarding internship opportunities for the fifth term of the Latin American Studies program.
Students Student Day at N ILAS Romklass

Different organisations and embassies presented to the students, with information on their work and possibilities for internship. The participating organisation and embassies were: Peaceworks, Praktisk Solidaritet, FUF, Framtidsjorden, Svalorna and the Embassies of Mexico, Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, Chile & Uruguay. After the presentations there was opportunity for continue talking and networking.

We would like to thank all participants as well as the enthusiastic students that participated and organised the event.

Details at Studentday at Nilas Romklass