Kristiina Savola defended her PhD thesis
Kristiina Savola defended her PhD thesis on 23 August 2024.
Kristiina Savola and Emilia Palonen at the defense, 23 August 2024. Photo: Laura Lunnevuori.
Kristiina Savola defended her thesis ”Rajanvetoja ja vastakkainasetteluja: Diskursiiviset strategiat suomalaisten poliitikkojen blogiteksteissä vaalivuonna 2015” (Eng. "Drawing borders and generating opposites : Discursive strategies in Finnish politicians’ blog texts during the election year 2015"). The opponent is Docent (Adj./Ass. Prof.) Emilia Palonen, University of Helsinki. Her thesis is the first in the series Studia Fennica Stockholmiensia to be published in Finnish.
Congratulations, Kristiina!
Last updated: August 28, 2024
Source: Section for Finnish