Kristiina Savola defended her PhD thesis

Kristiina Savola defended her PhD thesis on 23 August 2024.

Kristiina Savola and Emilia Palonen at the defense, 23 August 2024.
Kristiina Savola and Emilia Palonen at the defense, 23 August 2024. Photo: Laura Lunnevuori.

Kristiina Savola defended her thesis ”Rajanvetoja ja vastakkainasetteluja: Diskursiiviset strategiat suomalaisten poliitikkojen blogiteksteissä vaalivuonna 2015” (Eng. "Drawing borders and generating opposites : Discursive strategies in Finnish politicians’ blog texts during the election year 2015"). The opponent is Docent (Adj./Ass. Prof.) Emilia Palonen, University of Helsinki. Her thesis is the first in the series Studia Fennica Stockholmiensia to be published in Finnish.

Congratulations, Kristiina!

Download the thesis in DiVA

Read an intervju with Kristiina about her thesis

Kristiina Savola's profile page