
Interdisciplinary collaboration and cooperation with parties outside the University are strong points of the researchers and teachers at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism. The goal of our collaboration and our cooperation is to meet new needs for knowledge development, to create the conditions for more efficient and effective training, and to contribute towards social development, sustainability and innovation.

Some examples of forms of collaboration and activities are collaborative research projects, commissioned research, commissioned training, expert assignments, consultancies, internships in professional education, participation in social debates and the transmission of research information.

Our areas of expertise are the Swedish language, Swedish as a second language, Bilingualism, Interpreting and Translation. Each of these contains many different areas of knowledge, theories and methods.

You are welcome to contact our Collaboration Coordinator, see the heading Contact further down on this page.


Collaboration partners

Our collaboration partners are mainly in the public sector, but also in the private sector and in the non-profit sector. Please see our Swedish site:

Samverkans- och samarbetsfinansiärer


Our collaboration corporations and organizations

The companies and organizations we collaborate with are in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Please see our Swedish site:

Företag och organisationer vi samarbetar med


Our collaboration universities and schools

We collaborate with universities nationally as well as internationally. When it comes to schools, we collaborate with schools within Sweden. Please see our Swedish site:

Lärosäten och skolor vi samarbetar med


Our networks

The Department and our staff are part of a number of networks, national as well as international. Please see our Swedish site:

Nätverk vi ingår i


Our assignment training

We provide assignment training mainly in Swedish. Please see our Swedish site:


We can, however, provide assignment training in English in Bilingualism, please see the heading Contact further down on this page.



Collaboration coordinator
On this page