You may already have experience of university-level study but are you working to your full potential? Here are some tips to help you during your studies at Stockholm University.
Parents who speak more than one language can start planning before their child is born how to use these languages in daily life to support their child's language development. This is what Una Cunningham writes about in The Conversation.
Together with other early career researchers, he will investigate solutions that will advance both research and its applications within different fields of astronomy.
Task-based language teaching – TBLT – is a framework for teaching and learning foreign and second languages. This symposium brings together scholars and practitioners to explore research and applications, and aims to build a network for collaborative projects between academia and schools.
Task-based language teaching – TBLT – is a framework for teaching and learning foreign and second languages. This symposium brings together scholars and practitioners to explore research and applications, and aims to build a network for collaborative projects between academia and schools.
The project ‘Forward to the (Common) Roots of Education – Pedagogical Terminologies in Different Languages’ is striving forward an overview of the actual situation in research on educational terminology in different languages from the perspective of educational and cultural science.
The project ‘Forward to the (Common) Roots of Education – Pedagogical Terminologies in Different Languages’ is striving forward an overview of the actual situation in research on educational terminology in different languages from the perspective of educational and cultural science.
In this international symposium, we will scrutinize and discuss epistemic (in)justice in various educational settings from both a theoretical and empirical perspective.
In this international symposium, we will scrutinize and discuss epistemic (in)justice in various educational settings from both a theoretical and empirical perspective.