
The Doctoral School in the Humanities offers courses on PhD-level.

All courses are free-standing, and are mainly meant for the PhD-students at the Faculty. The courses are also open for PhD-students at other faculties and universities in Sweden and abroad, and thus welcome all who are enrolled in third cycle studies, regardless of their home faculty or university. The courses are offered free of charge.

Since 2016, the Doctoral School has welcomed participants from more than 50 universities in 17 countries.

In the academic year 2024–2025 the Doctoral School offers a total of 11 free-standing courses: five in the autumn semester 2024 and six in the spring semester 2025. Eight of the courses are offered in English.


PhD courses offered in Autumn 2024

Critical Whiteness Studies, 7,5 ECTS (SWEDISH)

The course is aimed at graduate students who are curious about how critical whiteness perspectives can be used in their own and other disciplines. Together we explore the potential of an expansive but also controversial research field to catalyze the study of society, culture and history.

Read more about the course (in Swedish)

Literary Theory, 7,5 ECTS (SWEDISH)

The course provides an overview of contemporary theory in the literary field, focusing on a selection of the various theoretical turns that have occurred in the field of literature from the linguistic turn of the 1960s to the ontological turn of today.

Read more about the course (in Swedish)

The Dynamics of Multilingualism: Encounters and Entanglements, 7,5 ECTS

The course investigates complexities regarding language, identity, and place under global conditions. It introduces different theoretical and methodological frameworks in order to investigate the complexities regarding identity, corporeality, language, place, ethnicity and other differences in relation to the new global zones of contact.

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The Philosophy of the Cultural Sciences, 7,5 ECTS

The course provides an opportunity for reflection on methodological and philosophical aspects of research in the humanities. Students are expected to present their projects in class, from a methodological perspective, and the course content will to some extent be tailored to the specific interests of the group.

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Academic Writing for International Publication, 7,5 ECTS

The overarching aim of the course is to improve the participants’ academic writing skills in order to facilitate publication output in international peer-reviewed journals. Also included in the course is the preparation of monograph proposals.

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PhD courses offered in Spring 2025

The Arcades Project: Walter Benjamin’s Excavation of Modernity, 7,5 ECTS

The course studies this major unfinished work and its significance in fields such as historiography and philosophy, material and visual studies, and theories of spatiality and temporality.

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Critical Theory and Theorization, 7,5 ECTS (SWEDISH)

Foto: Bruno Boutot (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The course offers a study environment where we work on developing theory from your own empirical material. Together with invited guests who present current critical perspectives, we benefit from each other's different competencies in the humanities and social sciences.

Read more about the course (in Swedish)

Introduction to measuring the human brain using MRI, 3 ECTS

This course is an introduction to measuring the human brain structure and function using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and it is designed for research students from any background. The aim is for the students to acquire a broad view of how MRI is used within their discipline.

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Analyzing the Language of Truth and Deception, 7,5 ECTS

Language is used in a (social) context for various purposes, e.g. to lie, mislead other people or to tell the truth. The course explores the concepts, perspectives and methods that have been developed in linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, rhetoric and discourse analysis to illuminate language as action.

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The Dynamics of Multilingualism: Affinities and Affordances, 7,5 ECTS

The course explores different research issues through empirical analysis of data related to various language phenomena such as writing across languages, language and luxury tourism, research communities, and protest movements.

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Methods for Handling of Text Data, 7,5 ECTS

A UNIVAC Console Printer

The course introduces basic theory and methodology for sampling, collection, preparation, annotation and analysis of text data in the humanities and social sciences, and provides an overview of state-of-the-art language technology methods for automatically analysing large amounts of text.

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PhD-courses offered in Spring 2024

Introduction to Linguistic Discourse Analysis, 7,5 ECTS (Spring 2024)

Foto: Ingmarie Andersson (SU)

The course takes it starting point in discourse linguistics and critical discourse analysis, where theoretical concepts and methodological approaches aspire at revealing how social structures and power relations are shaped and reshaped through written, spoken and visual language use.

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Literary Method, 7,5 ECTS (Spring 2024)

Foto: Eli Francis (Unsplash)

The course examines the meaning, function and history of the concept of method in literary studies - alongside an outlook towards humanities in general. Its starting point is the concept of the scientific method as a guarantor of scientificity as well as the criticism generated by the same thought.

Read more about the course (in Swedish)

Open Science for PhD-students, 5,0 ECTS (Spring 2024)

Image: Jason Barkeloo @OpenTherapeutics

The course gives PhD students essential skills in good research data management and open access publication routes. The overarching goal is to improve the students’ knowledge about good practices in scholarly communication, which involves managing and sharing research data and publishing articles and books in a balanced way.

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The Dynamics of Multilingualism: Affinities and Affordances, 7.5 ECTS (Spring 2024)

The overarching aim of the course is to address the need for a multidisciplinary approach in relation to the global challenges of increased mobility and multilingualism. More specifically, the course addresses the emergence of new global – often temporary – linguistic communities, associated communicative practices and the affordances that enable their existence. The course examines how these communities are formed by and through different languages.

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Linguistic Ethnography, 7,5 ECTS (Spring 2024)

Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein

In the course, Linguistic Ethnography and its contributions to research on language – particularly multilingualism – and identity in educational and other social contexts is introduced, discussed and problematized. For example, in what ways are language and other semiotic practices entangled with ideologies and sociopolitical discourses on an individual level?

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