Nanoparticles can reduce use of chemicals in agriculture
Researchers have developed an innovative method to reduce pesticide use in agriculture. By using nanoparticles made from lignin pesticides can be effectively attached to and absorbed by plant surfaces.
"I am very excited to get to know SCGG, and the interdisciplinary research conducted here", said PhD candidate Nora Söderberg, from the European University Institute (Italy), who started working as a guest researcher at Stockholm Center on Global Governance, SCGG, in late January.
The Arctic Council faces constant challenges to its authority by influential players on the international stage. A new study by Nicholas Olczak, postdoctoral researcher at SCGG, Stockholm University, reveals how the United States and China have shifted between supporting and undermining the council over a decade, depending on their current political priorities.
The police are investing in more cameras in crime hotspot areas, and the government plans to remove the permit requirement starting May 2025. In Rapport, Mikael Priks, a professor of economics at Stockholm University, explains how increased surveillance has reduced thefts and robberies, both internationally and in the Stockholm metro.
Answer seven questions and get an indication of how your relationship is right now. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, researchers at Stockholm University are publishing a new study in the journal Cognitive Behaviour Therapy that introduces a scientifically validated scale, the ‘Valentine's Scale’. The scale measures how satisfied you are in your love relationship.
On 13 February, 2025, Shanshan Xiao will defend her doctoral thesis "The Role of Oxytocin Pathway Genes and Intranasal Oxytocin in Brain Structure and Connectivity: Insights into Neural Mechanisms".
On 13 February, 2025, Shanshan Xiao will defend her doctoral thesis "The Role of Oxytocin Pathway Genes and Intranasal Oxytocin in Brain Structure and Connectivity: Insights into Neural Mechanisms".
Welcome to a thesis defence at DSV! In his PhD thesis, Gerard Nyiringango explores how virtual patient cases could be used in the education of nurses in Rwanda.
Welcome to a thesis defence at DSV! In his PhD thesis, Gerard Nyiringango explores how virtual patient cases could be used in the education of nurses in Rwanda.
This Master’s Programme integrates natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and law, and equips you with the tools to understand and solve global complex problems.
This Master’s Programme integrates natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and law, and equips you with the tools to understand and solve global complex problems.
Here you find information about the application process, life as a student in Sweden and much more.