Nanoparticles can reduce use of chemicals in agriculture
Researchers have developed an innovative method to reduce pesticide use in agriculture. By using nanoparticles made from lignin pesticides can be effectively attached to and absorbed by plant surfaces.
The Arctic Council faces constant challenges to its authority by influential players on the international stage. A new study by Nicholas Olczak, postdoctoral researcher at SCGG, Stockholm University, reveals how the United States and China have shifted between supporting and undermining the council over a decade, depending on their current political priorities.
Swedish-born individuals with immigration background face a greater risk than the majority population of working at jobs for which they are overqualified, according to a new doctoral thesis in sociological demography. This qualification mismatch can lead to detrimental career and health outcomes for this group, says Wooseong Kim, the researcher behind the study.
A summit between Trump and Putin in Moscow has been welcomed by both the Kremlin and Washington. However, for Europe, the new negotiations over Ukraine are a significant concern. "It will keep many European leaders awake at night," Mark Rhinard, a professor and chairman of the board at the Stockholm Center on Global Governance, based at Stockholm University, said in Dagens Nyheter on Wednesday.
Linn Axelsson, Senior Lecturer, Docent in Human Geography at Stockholm University, has together with Charlotta Hedberg, Professor of Human Geography at Umeå University published an article in the journal Population, Space and Place.
Welcome to a thesis defence at DSV! In his PhD thesis, Gerard Nyiringango explores how virtual patient cases could be used in the education of nurses in Rwanda.
Welcome to a thesis defence at DSV! In his PhD thesis, Gerard Nyiringango explores how virtual patient cases could be used in the education of nurses in Rwanda.
This Master’s Programme integrates natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and law, and equips you with the tools to understand and solve global complex problems.
This Master’s Programme integrates natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and law, and equips you with the tools to understand and solve global complex problems.
Prepare yourself for internships, part-time jobs, or future careers in Sweden by understanding some of the values, ethics, and dynamics that define Swedish work life.
Prepare yourself for internships, part-time jobs, or future careers in Sweden by understanding some of the values, ethics, and dynamics that define Swedish work life.
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