Nanoparticles can reduce use of chemicals in agriculture
Researchers have developed an innovative method to reduce pesticide use in agriculture. By using nanoparticles made from lignin pesticides can be effectively attached to and absorbed by plant surfaces.
How to survive winter by hacking your light habits
Light truly conquers darkness. How can outdoor walks and artificial light enhance your well-being and help prevent depression during the long, dark winter?
The Arctic Council faces constant challenges to its authority by influential players on the international stage. A new study by Nicholas Olczak, postdoctoral researcher at SCGG, Stockholm University, reveals how the United States and China have shifted between supporting and undermining the council over a decade, depending on their current political priorities.
Roine Vestman, a professor of economics at Stockholm University, examines alternatives to using the Central bank’s policy interest rate to curb inflation.
A new study finds that immigrants are more likely to adapt to Swedish childbearing norms if they move to Sweden at a young age. This seems to be the case regardless of their gender or country of birth.
Ever wondered if your students are truly grasping your lectures? Discover how the innovative ReMoDEL project is revolutionizing our understanding of student comprehension in real-time.
Ever wondered if your students are truly grasping your lectures? Discover how the innovative ReMoDEL project is revolutionizing our understanding of student comprehension in real-time.
Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German