An international university
Stockholm University works actively to increase international collaboration – a prerequisite for research and education of high quality. Through alliances, partnerships and cooperation we collaborate with universities around the world.
International collaborations for environment and social and economic sustainability
Through international collaboration within the research fields of environment and social and economic sustainability, Stockholm University contributes towards reaching the goals set by Agenda 2030 for tackling the global challenges facing society.
Stockholm University is ranked among the world’s top 100 universities, and is one of Europe’s leading institutes for higher education and research within both human science and science. Knowledge, enlightenment, truth seeking and critical thinking have been cornerstones since the University was founding in 1878.
In order to strengthen international academic collaboration, Stockholm University is working together with partner universities in several countries within the areas of research and education.
The European Civic University Alliance, CIVIS

Stockholm University is a member of CIVIS – European Civic University Alliance is a collaboration between ten European universities and brings together almost 600,000 students and employees.
The purpose is to aid collaboration over national borders and increase the mobility of students, teachers and other personnel. Stockholm University has the responsibility within the alliance for building hubs for collaborative training, research co-operation and collaboration around different challenges facing society.
The alliance receives funding from European Universities, a European Commission initiative, for a duration of three years, with the possibility of renewal.
Civis – a European collaboration
Strategic international partnerships
University of Helsinki
Since 2014, Stockholm University has collaborated with the University of Helsinki, in a strategic partnership within the prioritised areas of interdisciplinary Baltic Sea research, teacher education, language and linguistics.
The collaboration covers both research and education. Within research collaboration, there are two key projects: Baltic Bridge and Arctic Avenue. Within the area of education there is a general agreement for student exchange and agreements at the departmental level that cover, among other fields, biology, children and youth science, language and multiculturalism, philosophy, political science and psychology. The University of Helsinki is one of the Nordic region’s – and Europe’s – foremost universities.
University of Tokyo
Since 2017, the Stockholm Trio – Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University – has a strategic partnership with the University of Tokyo. The collaboration is targeted towards three areas: increased student exchange, increased research collaboration and educational development.
A number of workshops have been held, with a focus on, inter alia, education in sustainable development, healthy aging and materials science.
The University of Tokyo is one of the foremost universities in Asia.
Other international collaborations
ACCESS – Academic Collaboration Chile and Sweden
Academic Collaboration Chile Sweden (ACCESS) is a collaboration between eight Swedish and eight Chilean universities. The purpose is to promote academic exchange between Chile and Sweden, through common PhD courses and yearly meeting forums.
SASUF 2030 – South Africa-Sweden University Forum
South Africa-Sweden University Forum, SASUF 2030, is a collaborative project between Swedish and South African universities, with focus on the global goals of Agenda 2030. In the project, Swedish and South African universities are collaborating in the areas of climate, education, social change, health systems, urbanization and digital technology.
Read more about SASUF
University College London (UCL)
Stockholm trio (KI, KTH & SU) has started a three year-long collaboration with University College London (UCL), together with Stockholm City and the Greater London Authority. The collaboration applies firstly to research and innovation and takes place within the framework of UCL’s “City Partnership Programme”.
University of Manchester
During 2020, Stockholm University and the University of Manchester started a collaboration together with KTH Royal Institute of Technology around research and education. A first digital workshop took place in December 2020 around the thematic areas:
• Digital trust, privacy and security
• Sustainability and Circular Economy
• Molecular biosciences
• Water
This event was followed by an announcement where new collaborations could seek funding to start projects between the universities, with the purpose of building international collaboration around larger research funding applications.
International networks
In international contexts, established networks such as the European University Association (EUA), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and Networks of the Capitals of Europe play an important role in offering member universities a broad platform for exchange and communication.
Networks such as Scholars at Risk and Magna Charta promote academic core values, while UArctic gathers excellence within arctic research. NUAS, NUS and EARMA offer capacity development for administrative personnel at member universities.
European University Association - EUA
International Association of Universities - IAU
Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe - UNICA
Scholars at Risk - SAR
University of the Arctic - UArctic
Magna Charta Observatory
European Association of Research Managers and Administrators - EARMA
Nordiska universitetsadministratörssamarbetet - NUAS
Nordiska universitetssamarbetet - NUS
Student exchange
Stockholm University has currently around 1,000 exchange agreements, of which about 60 are university-wide, with universities in over 50 countries.
In addition, there are mobility options within various programmes and networks.
Study abroad
Read more about Erasmus+
For general questions to the university's International Office:
General questions about Civis:
Questions about student exchange:
- General questions about student exchange and exchanges within the university's central exchange agreement:
- Questions about exchange within the framework of Civis:
- Questions about exchange within Erasmus +:
- Questions about Minor Field Studies:
International collaborations and exchanges in education and research are conducted for the most part by the university's departments.
Last updated: June 26, 2024
Source: Communications Office (SN)