Stockholm university

Partnerships and collaborations

Stockholm University has a broad collaboration with the society. Researchers collaborate with schools, companies, authorities and organizations, are experts in the media and participate in the public debate. Collaboration contributes to developing research and to link people from different areas and with different knowledge.


Accelerator - an exhibition space

Accelerator is an exhibition space where art, science and societal issues meet. It is part of Stockholm University. The mission of Accelerator is to engage actively with society, producing exhibitions presenting international and Swedish contemporary art.



Available research infrastructure resources

At Stockholm University there is an extensive infrastructure for research with advanced research environments. Facilities and resources are very varied in nature, and there is no sharp definition of what constitutes infrastructure.

Research infrastructure and who to contact


CIVIS – A European university collaboration

CIVIS is a collaboration between eleven European universities and brings together almost 600,000 students and employees.

The purpose of CIVIS is to facilitate cooperation across national borders and to increase the mobility of students, teachers and other staff.

CIVIS – A European university collaboration


Stockholm University works together with a number of museums around the capital. Through centres of expertise, guest professors, and shared projects, we contribute to collaborations in art, culture, and science.

Here is a list of some of our collaborative partners. Click any link to visit the museum’s website.

Hallwylska museet
Swedish Museum of Natural History
Nobel Prize Museum
Nordic Museum
Magasin III
National Maritime Museums


Researchers at Stockholm University and the Academy of Athens are leaders in climate and environmental research. TEMES is a Greek company that specialises in ecotourism. These partners have joined forces in the Kalamata region.

Mediterranean climate in focus at Swedish/Greek research station NEO


Stockholm University and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) work together closely on issues and research regarding development and the environment. 

Strong ties with Stockholm Environment Institute


University Alliance Stockholm Trio

Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University formed in 2019 the university alliance Stockholm Trio with the aim of developing and highlighting the internationally prominent research and education environment that the three universities form in the Stockholm region.

University Alliance Stockholm Trio




Region Stockholm and the City of Stockholm

Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services


CIVIS and Stockholm trio university alliance

University Alliance Stockholm Trio

Contacts for University Alliance Stockholm Trio 


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