Invoices, payments and e-commerce
Stockholm University uses Raindance from CGI as e-commerce system (order / subscription and invoice) and the system supports the standards recommended by SFTI.
För information på svenska se sidan om Leverantörsinformation.
Sending invoices to Stockholm University
1. E-invoice via PEPPOL
First and foremost, we want you to send e-invoices via the PEPPOL network.
Stockholm University's electronic address in PEPPOL is 0007:2021003062.
2. E-invoice via the university's supplier portal
If you do not have your own solution for sending e-invoices, Stockholm University offers the use of our Raindance Supplier Portal free of charge. Here you can easily create and send e-invoices to us.
Email to receive an invitation to the portal, specify the email address to which our invitation should be sent.
If there is no order number on the invoice, the 6 digit department code (the 3 digit institution number followed by 3 zeros) must be entered in the reference field. Contact the buyer or you can find what refererence number to use in the list of Department codes.
If you have received Stockholm University order number in this format: SUyymmdd-x, enter this in the field "Order reference” or equivalent.
Only one department code or order number may be entered in each field.
If you use the university's Supplier Portal Raindance, enter the institution/department reference number in the "Customer reference ID" field as in the image below. Do not write any letters, only the numbers, i.e. the institution number plus three zeros (six digits in total).

Payment Information
Payments to Stockholm University:
Domestic payments:
Bankgiro: 5050-0206 (Danske bank)
Foreign payments:
Bank: Danske Bank, Norrmalmstorg 1, SE-111 46 Stockholm, Sweden
Bank Account: 12810117756
IBAN: SE1612000000012810117756
Stockholm University Corporate identification number: 202100-3062
Legal requirements
From April 1, 2019, all suppliers to Stockholm University should send us e-invoices. In June 2018, the government decided to adopt the law on e-invoicing as a result of public procurement (SFS 2018: 1277). The law means that all purchases, regardless of value, that are made through public procurement and that commence after April 1, 2019, including direct procurement, must be invoiced with e-invoice.
Our physical billing address is:
Stockholm University
SE-190 87 Rosersberg
E-commerce with Stockholm University
In order to make the purchasing process more efficient with our suppliers we wish to exchange business messages in electronic format via our e-commerce system.
Before Stockholm University starts purchasing electronically with a new supplier or for a new contract, we would request that you book a start-up meeting where we can decide on the technical setup and schedule and how updates will be implemented.
There are several ways to start e-commerce with us. You can choose one of the following ways:
1. E-commerce via integration
You integrate your business system with Stockholm University's e-commerce system CGI Raindance.
2. E-commerce via SU's supplier portal
If you do not have system support for e-commerce, Stockholm University offers a free connection to a supplier portal. In this portal you can create your catalog and receive e-orders from us in a simple way.
3. E-commerce via email
E-mail order / e-mail order response with a price file in Excel format.
Stockholm University complies with the SFTI standard. For more information see
When SFTI publishes new standards and formats, Stockholm University shall support these within 6 months from the date of publication.
Do you have questions about e-invoicing?
If you are an employee of Stockholm University please use
For non-employees, please send an e-mail to
Do you have questions about e-commerce?
Please contact for more information.
Last updated: May 13, 2024
Source: Finance Office/CH