Stockholm university

Social Media Commenting Guidelines

Stockholm University shares information, news and research findings across many channels. We welcome you to discuss our content, but in order to have a good, constructive discussion, we ask everyone to respect our comment guidelines and not publish posts or comments that:

  • constitute unlawful threats, invasion of privacy, incitement, agitation against a national or ethnic group, child pornography offences, unlawful portrayal of violence or infringement of another person’s copyright or in any other way violate Swedish law or the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • do not comment or discuss the actual topic of the post.
  • contain advertising and/or spamming.
  • contain false, speculative or misleading information.
  • contain demeaning comments, personal attacks or offensive language.

We read and moderate the comment fields on weekdays during office hours. Posts or comments that break the rules will be deleted. Users who break the rules may also be blocked. As our moderation is done manually, it may take some time before we detect comments that violate the rules.

Stockholm University must abide by the Electronic Bulletin Boards (BBS) Act. Anyone who makes a post violating the applicable laws may personally be held responsible.

Stockholm University is a government agency and subject to the principle of public access to official records. Therefore posts and comments, as well as private or direct messages published in our social media channels become public documents. Do you have questions regarding the comment rules? Please contact us at

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