Visiting addresses and contact details
Here you will find visiting addresses and contact information for general services at Stockholm University.
Main telephone: + 46 8 16 20 00
Postal address: Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm
Visiting address: Universitetsvägen 10 A
Opening hours
Contacts – departments and institutes
Contacts -, and the University's social media channels
Archives and registry
Please contact the registry if you would like to access current records such as contracts, procurement records or applications.
Visiting address: Info desk at Frescati Library
Phone hours: 09:00-11:00, Monday-Friday (except bank holidays)
Phone: +46 8-16 14 70
Please contact the archive if you would like to access or receive copies of archived records such as diploma of higher education, curriculum or dissertations.
Request public records from Stockholm University’s central archive
Phone hours: 09.30-10.30, Monday-Friday (except bank holidays)
Phone: +46 8-16 13 50
Billing and supplier/contractor information
Collaborate with us
Stockholm University has many international, national and regional partnerships.
Conference services
Stockholm University offers a number of locales for holding meetings. We arrange everything from international research symposia, company meetings and lectures to smaller meetings and receptions.
Data protection officer
Press and media
Research ethics
Service centre for property and buildings
Our service centre helps employees, students and visitors with issues regarding facilities, service and security.
The Service Centre also handles housing-related issues for international students/guest researchers.
Students and employees can also contact the Property Management Office through Serviceportalen.
Skill development and commissioned education

Last updated: November 20, 2024
Source: Communications Office/MJ