Stockholm University is recruiting up to three Assistant Professors in Biodiversity to tackle the critical global issue of biodiversity loss.
Several companies, with the roots in research from Stockholm University have been granted funding to advance innovations with the potential to contribute to a more sustainable and competitive society.
Markus Hennrich, professor in quantum physics at Stockholm University, together with German colleagues, has been awarded the European Research Council's most prestigious grant, the ERC Synergy Grant.
Researchers from Stockholm Resilience Centre and the programme Swedbio are attending the ongoing COP16 in Colombia to help shape the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
- It is fantastic that Stockholm University has received a record number of project grants from the Foundation this year, says Lena Mäler, Deputy vice president for science at Stockholm University.
High-definition electron microscopy and fluorescence imaging held centre stage at SU Imaging Day – a recurring event aimed to highlight and celebrate the open research facilities at Stockholm University.