Stockholm university

Senior advisors to the president with different areas of responsibility

Anders Karlhede is responsible for research infrastructure, Magnus Breitholtz for the environment and sustainable development, and Wilhelm Widmark is responsible for Open Science at Stockholm University.


Anders Karlhede, research infrastructure issues

As a senior advisor to the president, Professor Anders Karlhede has operational responsibility for research infrastructure issues. A large part of his work deals with national research infrastructure where the research universities are now playing an ever greater roll.

He is Stockholm University’s representative in the universities’ reference group for research infrastructure, URFI, board member of SciLifeLab and Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing, SNIC, and member of the universities’ reference group, URG, for the MAX IV laboratory. He reports directly to the President on these issues.

Anders Karlhede
Anders Karlhede. Photo: Eva Dalin

Magnus Breitholtz, environment and sustainable development

Professor Magnus Breitholtz, as Senior advisor to the president has operational responsibility for the environment and sustainable development.

Outside of Stockholm University, this involves working for increased collaboration with different types of partners as well as, at the request of the President, to represent Stockholm University in meetings or work processes related to the environment and sustainable development. Examples of such collaborations are the Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Actions, a new initiative from Karolinska Institutet, KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, and Stockholm University to further contribute to sustainable societal development, and Civis – European Civic University Alliance, which is a collaboration between ten European universities, including Stockholm university.

Within the University, this involves contributing to the University's development in the area and working to raise the University's commitment and profile towards the surrounding society. In addition, the Senior advisor to the President is to chair and lead the University's Environmental Council, maintain a dialogue with the University management and represent the environmental commitments in the contexts in which the University's core activities operate.

A specific part of this work is to lead and develop the work with Stockholm University's Sustainability Forum, which has the ambition to be a meeting place that engages a broad participation throughout the university and promotes dialogue and collaboration between the university and other actors.

Professor Magnus Breitholtz. Photo: Rickard Kilström
Professor Magnus Breitholtz. Photo: Rickard Kilström

Wilhelm Widmark, open science

Wilhelm Widmark, Library Director at Stockholm University Library, is Senior Advisor to the President with operational responsibility for open science at the university. The assignment involves developing the work at Stockholm University for a transition to open science. The work will take place in close collaboration with the university’s researchers.

The work with open science is a key issue for Stockholm University and Wilhelm Widmark will represent the President and the Senior management team externally in these issues.

On national level, Wilhelm Widmark is a member of the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions coordination group for open science and is vice chairman of Bibsam’s steering group. Internationally, he sits on the board of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a collaboration between the European Commission and the EOSC association that works to be able to share research data within Europe according to the so-called FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). He is also a member of the European University Associations Open Science group.

Wilhelm Widmark
Wilhelm Widmark. Photo: Annika Hallman
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