Stockholm university


During the conferment ceremony the conferrer presents different insignia, the symbols of the newly aquired dignity of the conferred.



Doktorshatt Stockholms universitet


The doctoral hat symbolizes freedom and power. The hat is awarded to new doctors and honorary doctors at the Faculty of Law. It is black and pleated and has a gold buckle at the front which represents the faculty. Doctors of Philosophy may themselves acquire the hat after the ceremony to wear at later occasions.


Lagerkrans Stockholms universitet

The laurel wreath is also a symbol of academic freedom, and in the ancient world a symbol of scientific, literary and athletic merit. The wreath of laurels is awarded to new doctors and honorary doctors at the original Faculty of Philosophy, which corresponds to today's Faculties of Humanities, Social Sciences and Science.


Doktorsring Stockholms universitet

The doctoral ring is of gold and symbolizes faithfulness to science. The faculties have faculty-specific symbols that adorn the ring and are only awarded to honorary doctors. The new doctoral graduates are free to purchase a doctoral ring, but these are not awarded at the ceremony.


Doktorsdiplom Stockholms universitet

The diploma used to be a written affirmation of the rights that were granted to the doctoral graduates. The diploma is written in Latin and has the University's watermark and carries the University seal, as well as the respective faculty seal. The diploma is awarded at the ceremony to all new doctors, honorary doctors and jubilee doctors.




Photos: Eva Dalin


Award for good teaching and gold medals

In addition to the above traditional symbols, other prizes can be awarded during the ceremony:

Award for good teaching

The University rewards pedagogically skilled teachers by appointing Teachers of the Year who, during the ceremony, receive a diploma and a sum of money for the teacher's continued professional development.

Award for good teaching


Stockholm University's large gold medal

was established in 1990 may be awarded to anyone who has done long and significant work to promote the University, its research or its education.

Stockholm University's smaller gold medal

was established in 2010 and is awarded to a person who has significantly contributed/helped to strengthen Stockholm University, its research or its education.


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