Stockholm university

European Research Council Grantees

Here you will find information about the researchers at Stockholm University who have been granted project funding from the European Research Council, ERC.

ERC, European Research Council, promotes researcher–driven research of the highest quality through extensive and long–term funding. The ERC supports cutting–edge research, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary projects and groundbreaking ideas in new and emerging areas.

The ERC annually announces three research grants. These grants are for young researchers (ERC Starting Grant), established researchers (ERC Consolidator Grant), and researchers who are experts in their research fields (ERC Advanced Grant).

Read more about ERC here


ERC Advanced Grant is for established world-class researchers with significant research efforts over the past 10 years.


Maja Schlüter, 2024-2029

Maja Schlüter is the first researcher at SU to be awarded both a Starting Grant and an Advanced Grant by the ERC. The grant funds research on processes of transformative change related to natural resource governance and food systems across the Global South and North.

Read more about Maja Schlüter's research here


Jonas Tallberg, 2024-2029

Jonas Tallberg, Professor at the Department of Political Science, is awarded a grant for the project "Democracy, Autocracy, and International Cooperation".  The ERC grant enables the development of a new research agenda on the relationship between countries' political systems and their attitude towards international co-operation.

Read more about Jonas Tallberg's research here


Matthew Lindquist, 2024-2029

Matthew Lindquist, Professor at the Swedish Institute for Social Research who is involved in the project "Breaking the Inequality-Crime Cycle: Biases in Police Decisions, 'What Works' in Prison, and Firm Demand for Workers with Criminal Records" led by Randi Hjalmarsson at the University of Gothenburg. 

Read more about Matthew Lindquist's research here


Jakob Svensson, 2023-2028

Jakob Svensson at the Institute for International Economics (IIES) receives a grant for the project "It's (also) What you Produce: Experimental Evidence on Creating Markets for Quality in Low-income Countries". The project aims to investigate why income and productivity among African smallholders is so low by studying the lack of markets for quality where smallholders can sell their crops at a higher price. 

Read more about Jakob Svensson's research here


Love Dalén, 2023-2028

Love Dalén, professor and research leader at the Centre for Palaeogenetics, is awarded a grant for the PrimiGenomes project for DNA analyses of prehistoric material in order to study the evolution of different animal species over the last 2.5 million years. 

Read more about Love Daléns research here 


Stefan Rosswog, 2021-2026

For the project: INSPIRATION: From inspiral to kilonova
Stephan Rosswog is a professor at the Department of Astronomy. The project does not start at SU, but at the University of Hamburg.

Read more about Stefan Rosswog's research here


Meike Wagner, 2022-2026

Meike Wagner, Professor of Theatre Studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics receives a grant for the research project "Performing Citizenship. Social and Political Agency in Non-Professional Theatre Practice in Germany, France, Britain, Sweden and Switzerland (1780-1850)'.

Read more about Meike Wagner's research here


Christian Broberger, 2021-2026

Christian Broberger, professor of neurochemistry at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Division of Chemistry, receives funding for the project "E Pluribus Unum: Principles and Plasticity of Electrical Coupling in a Neuronal Network". The project will investigate how "gap junctions" are regulated and affect the brain network by using a species-specific and unexpected electrical coupling.

Reas more about Christian Broberger's research here


Lars G.M. Pettersson, 2021-2026

Lars G.M. Pettersson, Professor of Theoretical Chemical Physics at the Department of Physics receives an advanced grant for the project "Gases in Water".

Read more about Lars Pettersson's research here


Hiranya V. Peiris 2021-2026

Hiranya V. Peiris, Professor of Cosmoparticle Physics at the Department of Physics receives funding for the project "Exploring the Cosmos with the Vera Rubin Observatory"

Read more about Hiranya V. Peiris research here


David Strömberg, 2018–2023 

Social Media and Traditional Media in China: Political and Economic Effects (MEDIACHINA). David Strömberg's research focus is the influence of the mass media on economic and political outcomes.

Read more on David's homepage


Johan Rockström, 2017–2022 

Earth Resilience in the Anthropocene (ERA) Integrating non–linear biophysical and social determinants of Earth–system stability for global sustainability through a novel community modelling platform. Johan Rockström is a professor of environmental science with an emphasis on water resources and global sustainability. Rockström is an internationally recognized researcher for his work on global sustainability issues. 

Read more about Johan Rockström's research here


Frank Wilczek, 2017–2022 

Axions: From Heaven to Earth (AXION). Frank Wilczek, professor at Physics, Stockholm University, has been awarded the ERC Advanced Grant for trying to detect the occurrence of axions. These are hypothetical particles whose existence would solve the problem of dark matter.

Read more about Frank Wilczek's research here


Torsten Persson, 2016–2021 

Social and Political Economics: Theory and Evidence (ECOSOCPOL). Persson's research can be described as a synthesis of various schooling such as public choice, macroeconomic theory with rational policy expectations, and political science rational choice. As a rule, formal economic theory is related to empirical patterns and more advanced statistical methods. Persson's perhaps most important contribution is to show the connection between countries' political constitutions and economic-political outcomes. Research results show that countries with parliamentarism have a larger public sector than countries with presidential rule.

Read more about Torsten Persson's research here


Örjan Gustavsson, 2016–2021 

Cryosphere–Carbon on Top of the Earth (CC–Top): Decreasing Uncertainties of Thawing Permafrost and Collapsing Methane Hydrates in the Arctic. 

Read more about Örjan Gustavsson's research here


Anders Nilsson, 2015–2020 

Probing the structure and dynamics of water in its various states (WATER). Anders Nilsson is a physicist and researches on the structure of the water at various stages.

Read more about Anders's research here


Konstantin Zarembo, 2014–2019 

Integrable systems in gauge and string theory (INTEGRAL). Konstantin's research field is theoretical high-energy physics, with a main interest in quantum field theory, string theory and integrated systems.

Read more about Konstantin's research here


Torsten Persson, 2010–2015 

State capacity, conflict and development (STATECAP). Persson's research can be described as a synthesis of various schooling such as public choice, macroeconomic theory with rational policy expectations, and political science rational choice. As a rule, formal economic theory is related to empirical patterns and more advanced statistical methods. Persson's perhaps most important contribution is to show the connection between countries' political constitutions and economic-political outcomes. Research results show that countries with parliamentarism have a larger public sector than countries with presidential rule.

Read more about Torsten Persson's research here


Jan–Ehrling Bäckvall, 2010–2015 

Oxidation via low–energy electron transfer. Development of green oxidation methodology via a biomimetic approach (OXLEET). Jan-Ehrling Bäckvall is a professor of organic chemistry and researches, among other things, on oxidation via electronic transmission with low energy.

Read more about Jan-Ehrling's research


Gunnar von Heijne, 2009–2014 

New approaches to the study of membrane–protein folding in vivo and in silico (MEMFOLD). Gunnar von Heijne's research has mainly focused on membrane proteins, the proteins in the cell membrane that, among other things, account for transport and signaling through the membrane. He is the head of the Center for Biomembrane Research at SU and one of Sweden's most cited researchers in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.

Read more about Gunnar von Heijne's research here


Per Krusell, 2009–2013 

Quantitative dynamic macroeconomic analysis of global climate change and inequality (MICROCLIMATE). Per Krusell is an economist and his research has focused on macroeconomics with special contributions in the areas of technological change, inequality, political economy, macroeconomic policy and work economics. He is currently conducting a long-term project on the interaction between global climate change and the economy. 

Read more about Per Krusell's research here


ERC Consolidator Grant is for those who have recently started a research group and want to strengthen their role as research leaders (7-12 years after doctoral degree).


Anneli Kruve, 2023-2028

Anneli Kruve at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry and the Department of Environmental Science receives funding for the project Machine Learning and Mass Spectrometry for Structural Elucidation of Novel Toxic Chemicals (LearningStructurE). The aim of the project is to wait the discovery of new chemical structures from "randomness" to routine.

Read more about Anneli Kruve's reseach here


Kerstin Lidén, 2023-2028

Kerstin Lidén at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Culture receives funding for the project Polluted Past. 

Read more about Kerstin Lidén's research here


Konrad Burchardi, 2023-2028

IIES Associate Professor Konrad Burchardi is awarded a grant for the project Agricultural Productivity and Technology Adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa (ADAPT). Konrad Burchardi's three-part project will develop and apply new empirical methods to quantify the extent of input misallocation in sub-Saharan agriculture.

Read more about Konrad Burchardi's research here


Jaime de la Rodriguez, 2023-2028

Jaime de la Rodriguez, from the Department of Astronomy, has been awarded a grant for the project "MAGHEAT: understanding energy deposition in the solar chromosphere".

Read more about Jamie de la Rodriguez's research here


Wei-Li Hong, 2023-2028

Wei-Li Hong, at the Department of Geological Sciences, receives funding for the project "Silicate alteration in marine sediments: kinetics, pathway, and dependency".

Read more about Wei-Li Hong's research here


Ingvild Almås, 2023-2027

From Household Allocations to Global Inequality: New Methods, Facts and Policy Implications  (UNEQUALWITHIN). To understand and mitigate economic inequalities, both locally and globally, we need to acknowledge inequalities within households. Concretely, the project will contribute to our knowledge in several specific ways.
Read more about Ingvild Almås´research here

Jiayin Yuan, 2022-2027

Jiayin Yuan, professor at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) receives funding for the project "Porous poly (ionic lquid)s for CO2 capture and simultaneous conversion under ambient conditions".

Read more about Jiayin Yuan's research here


Stefano Manzoni, 2021-2026

Stefano Manzoni, Associate Professor of Ecohydrology at the Department of Physical Geography, is funded for a project on soil processes. The aim of the research is to answer the long-standing question: How do land use and climate change affect soil fertility and the amount of carbon we can store in the soil?

Read more about Stefano Manzoni's research here


Ilona Riipinen, 2020–2025 

An Integrated View on Coupled Aerosol-Cloud Interactions (INTEGRATE).

Ilona Riipinen and her team will study the interactions between aerosol particles and clouds in the atmosphere. The aim of the research is to better understand the human influences on the global atmospheric system and climate.

Read more about Ilona Riipinen’s research here


David Drew, 2019–2024 

Dynamic Complexes and Allosteric Regulation of Small Molecule Transporters (EXCHANGE). David Drew hails from New Zealand and came to Stockholm University for the first time as a doctoral student. He had studied physiology and pharmacology and was fascinated by how the body worked. At the same time, he looked with some frustration at the large complex systems, where it is very difficult to know exactly what is happening and what is making a difference. The research on membrane proteins makes science clearer.

To find out how proteins look and work, David Drew uses methods to look at the positions of individual atoms. One such method is X-ray crystallography. X-rays are pushed through a crystal of the proteins, and based on the scattering of the rays an image of what the carrier looks like at atomic level is given.

Read more about David Drew's research here (in swedish)


Martin Högbom, 2017–2022 

High–valent protein–coordinated catalytic metal sites: Geometric and electronic architecture (HIGH–GEAR). Martin Högbom's research group's main area of interest and competence is how the protein structure relates to function, especially in proteins that use redox-active metal cofactors or radicals for catalysis.

Read more about Martin Högbom's research here


Thorsten Mauritsen, 2018–2023 

Reining in the upper bound on Earth’s Climate Sensitivities (highECS).

Read more about Thorsten Mauritsen here


Maja Schlüter, 2017–2022 

Towards middle–range theories of the co–evolutionary dynamics of multi–level social–ecological systems (MUSES). Maja Schlüter’s research focuses on social-ecological interactions and mechanisms that can explain various cases of social-ecological interactions.

Read more about Maja Schüter's research here


Marie Evertsson, 2018–2023 

Revealing Sources of Gendered Parenthood: A multi–method comparative study of the transition to parenthood in same–sex and opposite–sex couples (GENPARENT). Evertsson's research focuses on gender inequality in the home and the labor market. She studies the gender division of paid and unpaid work and the extent to which family policy influences the labor market outlook of women and men.

Read more about Marie Evertsson's research here


Per Pettersson Lidbom, 2014–2019 

The Swedish historical database project (HISTORICALDATABASE). Per Pettersson Lidbom's research is focused on political economy, public finances and work economics and it is empirically oriented.

Read more about Per Pettersson Lidbom's research here


ERC Starting Grant is for young researchers (2–7 years after completing a doctoral degree) that are about to start their independent research.


Matthew Wallace, 2024-2029

University's Demography Unit and at the Department of Sociology, receives funding for the project "Living longer in poorer health? Understanding the immigrant morbidity-mortality paradox/"PARA-MOR"'.

Read more about Matthew Wallace's research here


Michael Grätz, 2023-2028

Michael Grätz, Associate Professor at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), is awarded a grant for research on equality within the project Research on equality of Liberal and Radical Equality of Opportunity (EQUALOPP).

Read more about Michael Grätz's research here


Mika Sipponen, 2023-2028

Mika Sipponen, Associate Professor at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) is granted funding for research in ligation within the project Circular ligning materials from well-defined functional blocks (CIRCULIG).

Read more about Mika Sipponen's research here


Birgit Wild, 2022-2027

Rhizosphere priming: Quantifying plant impacts on carbon dioxide emissions from a warming Arctic (PRIMETIME). Birgit Wild’s project aims to answer the question of whether interactions between plants and soils will increase CO2 emissions from thawing permafrost soils in a warming climate.

Read more about Birgit Wild's research here


Jón Gudmundsson, 2022-2027

Transforming cryogenic optics for cosmic microwave background experiments (CMBeam). Jon Gudmunssons’ research group studies cosmology, astrophysics, and fundamental physics through observations of the microwave sky.

Read more about Jon Gudmunsson's research here


Peter Søgaard Jørgensen, 2022-2027

Emerging pests and pathogens as a novel lens for unravelling social-ecological cascades (INFLUX). Jørgensen's research will fill an important gap in sustainability science, helping to develop much needed capacity to navigate a future where shocks from pests and pathogens are likely to be more common. As part of this work, he will assemble a large database of some 1600 of emerging pests and pathogens.

Read more about Peter Søgaard Jørgensen's research here


Ragnhild Lunnan, 2022-2027

Transients Illuminating the Fates of the Most Massive Stars (TransPIre)

Ragnhild is broadly interested in unusual transients, and what they tell us both about massive star evolution and about star formation in extreme environments.

Read more about Raghild Lunnan's research here


Mikael Lundqvist, 2020–2025 

ERC funding for research into human cognition and generalising artificial intelligence (Mikael Lundqvist). Artificial neural networks can be trained to handle information in a similar way to the human brain. A crucial difference, however, is that these are not as flexible as the brain. With the support of an ERC Starting Grant, Mikael Lundqvist at the Department of Psychology will understand the neural mechanisms behind the ability of primates to generalise and create flexible artificial networks.

Read more about Mikael Lundqvist's research here


Ben Wilson, 2020–2025 

ERC grant to study the lives of children and grandchildren of refugees (Ben Wilson)

A lot is known about the inequalities experienced by refugees, but much less is known about their children’s lives. Ben Wilson, a post-doctoral researcher at the Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA), Department of Sociology, receives a new ERC Starting Grant to study the inequalities that are faced by the children and grandchildren of refugees living in Sweden.

Read more about Ben Wilson's research here


Markus Kowalewski, 2020–2025 

Chemistry in Optical Nano Cavities: Designing Photonic Reagents and Light-Matter Materials (CONICALM). Markus Kowalewski’s group works on a wide variety of topics involving photo chemistry, coherent control, polaritonic chemistry, ultrafast spectroscopy, and numerical methods related to quantum dynamics.

Read more about Markus Kowalewski’s research here


Karin Lind, 2020–2024 

Multidimensional Analysis of the Metal-poor Galaxy (MULTIDIMSPEC).

Karin Lind’s research focuses on the observation and interpretation of starlight. 

Read more about Karin Lind’s research here


David Wheatcroft, 2019–2024 

Species discrimination in birds: A behavioural-neurogenomics approach to auditory learning (SongNeuroGen). David Wheatcroft’s research focuses on how chicks can learn to recognize the song of their own species even when they are exposed to song from other species.

Read more about David Wheatcroft’s research here


Anders Jerkstrand, 2019–2024 

Three-dimensional spectral modelling of astrophysical transients: unravelling the nucleosynthetic content of supernovae and kilonovae (SUPERSPEC). 

Anders Jerkstrand’s research is focused on computational modelling of supernova light curves and spectra. In particular, he is interested in trying to answer questions about stellar nucleosynthesis and the origin of the elements.

Read more about Anders Jerkstrand’s research here


Alexey Amunts, 2019–2024 

Protein synthesis in organelles (Orgasome). Alexey Amunts research group investigates the fundamental question of how proteins are synthesized, folded and assembled into functional multicomponent bioenergetic complexes that drive the cellular energy production.

Read more about Alexey Amunt’s research here


Oskar Karlsson, 2019–2023 

Paternal Epigenetic Inheritance: A man’s life experiences may impact health of his unborn children and grandchildren (PATER). Oskar Karlsson research combine experimental model systems, omics tools, computational toxicology and molecular epidemiological research to study gene-environment interactions and epigenetic basis of disease. In particular, the research focuses on developmental origins of health and disease with an emphasis on the exposome and underlying molecular mechanisms.

Read more about Oskar Karlsson’s research here


Tanja Slotte, 2018–2022 

Supergene evolution in a classic plant system - Bringing the study of distyly into the genomic Era (SuperGenE). This project will allow us to address long-standing questions about the evolution of complex plant adaptations governed by supergenes, in a system that is particularly well suited for this purpose.

The researchers at Tanja Slotte lab are interested in understanding what factors govern how genetic variation is distributed across plant genomes, and how this results in phenotypic diversity within and among plant species. They are especially interested in the evolutionary consequences of plant mating system shifts.

Read more about Tanja Slotte’s research here


Jaime de la Cruz, 2018–2022 

Understanding magnetic-field-regulated heating and explosive events in the solar chromosphere (SUNMAG). 

Jamie de la Cruz’s main research expertise comprise three areas:

  • Non-LTE polarized radiative transfer.
  • Data inversion techniques.
  • Spectropolarimetric data processing tools.

Read more about Jaime de la Cruz’s research here


Marc Friedländer, 2018–2022

MicroRNA functions in single cells (miRCell). The Friedländer group applies state-of-the-art computational and genomic methods to address fundamental questions in RNA biology. The focus is on quantitatively describing and functionally characterizing mammalian transcriptomes, and methods include next-generation sequencing of single and pooled cells, as well as development of source code, databases and wet-lab protocols.

Read more about Marc Friedländer’s research here


Dan Petersen, 2018–2022 

Topology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces (MODULISPACES). Dan Petersen is active in algebraic geometry, a very extensive field of research today with many connections to other parts of mathematics as well as other sciences. His special field, the theory of modular space, has links to speech theory and the string theory of modern physics.

Read more about Dan Petersens research here


Kurt Mitman, 2017–2022 

Micro Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Policy (MICROTOMACROANDBACK). Kurt Mitman's research focuses on macroeconomics and he is particularly interested in household financing, housing and labor markets.

Read more about Kurt Mitman's research here


Stefano Bonetti, 2017–2022 

Understanding the speed limits of magnetism (MAGNETIC–SPEED–LIMIT). Stefano Bonetti's research focuses on the use of strong laser fields to manipulate and investigate quantum materials on ultra-fast time scales.

Read more about Stefano Bonetti's research here


Ville Kaila, 2017–2022  

Functional Proton–Electron Transfer Elements in Biological Energy Conversion (bioPCET). Kaila Lab, led by Professor Ville RI Kaila, is focused on understanding molecular principles of enzyme catalysis, with a particular emphasis on how biological systems capture and store chemical energy and light energy and convert this into other forms of energy that the cell can use for energy-demanding processes.

Read more about Ville Kaila's research here


Abraham Mendoza, 2017–2022 

New Reagents and Catalysts for Single Carbon Transfer to Organic Molecules (single–C). Abraham Mendosa's research places particular emphasis on the incorporation of C-H activation logic into synthetic chemistry.

Read more about Abraham Mendoza's research here


Jiayin Yuan, 2015–2021 

Nanoporous Asymmetric Poly (Ionic Liquid) Membrane (NAPOLI). Jiayin Yuans group Yuan Group designs, creates and investigates broadly defined functional polymers and carbon atoms, especially in a colloidal or porous form, through simple chemistry and processing.

Read more about Jiayin Yuans research here


Markus Hennrich, 2012–2017 

Quantum simulations with trapped Rydberg ions (QUASIRIO). In this project, we focus on the realization of trapped Rydberg ions. This will bring together two quantum systems: trapped ions and Rydberg atoms. Bringing them together will form a new quantum system with benefits from both sides. Captured Rydberg ions are a promising system for applications in quantum information and quantum simulation.

Read more about Markus Hennrich's research here


Maja Schlüter, 2012–2017 

The nature of social–ecological linkages and their implication for the resilience of human–environment systems (SES–LINK). Maja Schlüter's research focuses on social-ecological interactions and mechanisms that can explain these.

Read more about Maja Schlüter's research here


Jens Rydgren, 2011–2016 

Individual Life Chances in Social Context: A Longitudinal Multi–Methods Perspective on Social Constraints and Opportunities (LIFEINCON). Jens Rydgren has specialized in research in political sociology. He has for many years studied so-called radical right-wing populist parties in Europe and has been used by various media as an expert on right-wing populism in Europe, including the parties the Swedish Democrats and the National Front.

Read more about Jens Rydgrens research

Jens Rydgrens web page


Ilona Riipinen, 2011–2016 

Atmospheric Gas–Aerosol Interface: From Fundamental Theory to Global Effects (ATMOGAIN). lona Riipinen works with her colleagues mainly on atmospheric calculation models that represent the processes that control the development and effects of atmospheric aerosol populations. They model the evolution of atmospheric aerosol from molecular to global scale, with close connection to experimental data from both laboratory and field studies.

Read more about Ilona Riipinens research here


Jonas Tallberg, 2009–2013 

The design of international institutions: Legitimacy, effectiveness and distribution in global governance (DII). Jonas Tallberg researches on power, democracy, efficiency and legitimacy within international organizations. 

Read more about Jonas Tallberg's research here


Erik Lindahl, 2008-2013

Multiscale and distributed computing algorithms for biomolecular simulation and efficient free energy calculations (ERIKLINDAHLERC2007). Erik Lindahls research is focused on understanding the doors and windows of our cells in the form of membrane proteins in general, and in particular the functions of ion channels and pumps that transport ions to make our nervous system work. 

Read more about Erik Lindahl’s research here


David Strömberg, 2008-2013 

The impact of mass media on public policy (MEDIA AND POLICY).

David Strömberg’s research focuses on:

  • Political Economics
  • Economics of Media
  • Econometrics

Read more about David Strömberg's research here



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