Stockholm university

Sustainability Forum

Sustainability Forum is arranged by the University Alliance Stockholm Trio and is a place where people meet, build networks, and create collaborations for sustainable development.

This event gathers some of Sweden’s most prominent minds in the fields of political science, international law, global health, philosophy, and many more.

Universities are needed in sustainability work


Sustainability Forum 2023

Sustainability Forum 2023 is titled "Universities and the 2030 Agenda: taking stock and moving forward".

Watch the video from Sustainability Forum divided in sessions below.


Welcome address


Clas Hättestrand, Vice President, Stockholm University 


Performance, the Royal Dramatic Theatre

Hannes Meidal reads: ”Vårt behov av tröst är omättligt…” av Stig Dagerman (1954)



This session is in swedish.

Hannes Meidal är skådespelare och tillhör Dramatens fasta ensemble. Han har på Dramaten medverkat i ett 30-tal uppsättningar, i allt från klassiker på Stora scenen till barnteater. Han är även verksam som teatervetare och dramatiker. Han debuterade som dramatiker med Kafka på Strindbergs Intima Teater/Galeasen 2004.  
Tillsammans med Jens Ohlin han skrivit fem pjäser för Dramaten, bland annat de mycket uppmärksammade Hamlet och (Macbeth).
För Hamlet (som var ett samarbete med Galeasen) tilldelades Hannes Meidal och Jens Ohlin bl a Svenska Dagbladets Thaliapris och Svenska Teaterkritikers Förenings Teaterpris. Hannes erhöll även Stockholms stads teaterstipendium för sin rolltolkning av Hamlet. För sitt arbete med Lunchpoesi & livemusik tilldelades han Dramatens vänners stipendium 2016.


State of Play and Key Challenges for the Sustainable Development Goals.


Åsa Persson is the Research Director of Stockholm Environment Institute and one of fifteen scientists appointed by the UN to produce the Global Sustainable Development Report 2023, evaluating the worlds progress towards Global Sustainable Development.


Achieving the Sustainable Developments Goals: Compliance, Implementation and Legitimacy


When the world has set out a number of such clear targets, why are we struggling to move forward? Are there political, legal or moral issues holding us back, or different reasons all together? What role could universities play to accelerate the journey towards a more sustainable future?


  • Karin Bäckstrand, Professor in Environmental Social Science, Stockholm University
  • Jonas Ebbesson, Professor of Environmental Law, Stockholm University
  • Åsa Wikforss, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Stockholm University

Active break


Rasmus Nylander, leg. physiotherapist from KI Health Promotion team, and Lotte Heimes, leg. physiotherapist, master student at KI in Public Health: Health Promotion and prevention, will guide you in an active break in the conference room that get's you moving toward a more sustainable everyday life - thereby living up to being an example of a sustainable leader.


Transdisciplinary Approaches to a Sustainable Future


What can we learn from a ´wicked problem´ perspective? Are there approaches that we still haven’t tried to meet the challenges, not the least when we look in the rearview mirror? How do we create hope in action?


  • Stefan Swartling Peterson, Professor of Global Health, Karolinska Institutet
  • Kevin Noone, Professor of Chemical Meteorology, Stockholm University
  • Nina Wormbs, Professor in History of technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

SDG 4: Knowledge for sustainability: education, enduring engagement and life-long learning


Inclusive and equitable quality education is not only a sustainable development goal in itself. It is also key to achieve the other sustainable development goals. 

In this session we will highlight the importance of knowledge for sustainability, as part of teaching and education at different levels, as well as its use in the private and public sectors. How is such knowledge developed, disseminated and applied? What are the main hurdles in moving from knowledge to action? And how can they be overcome?

This session consists of two related panels and discussion with participants. In the first panel, representatives from universities reflect on the role, mandate and competence of universities to promote knowledge for sustainability. In the second panel, representatives from business and public administration reflect on what they need from universities, as well as on their own role in developing knowledge for sustainability.


  • Jonas Ebbesson, Professor of Environmental Law, Stockholm University
  • Lisen Schultz, deputy director for the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
  • Alasdair Skelton, Professor of Geochemistry and petrology, Stockholm University
  • Disa Ahlblom-Berg, President of the Student Union, Stockholm University Student Union
  • Miriam Huitric, Director of studies (Bachelor and Master's level) for the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
  • Michael Håkansson, Senior lecturer in didactics, Stockholm University
  • Anders Rosén, Associate Professor in Engineering Education, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Annica Bresky, Board member, Ørsted
  • Olof Olsson, CEO, Folkuniversitetet Öst
  • Charlotta Helge, Head of social policy, TCO

Goals for the Sustainability Forum

  • Stimulate and strengthen networks and collaborations both within and outside the university
  • Highlight how research and education contribute to societal development and decision making, especially with Agenda 2030
  • Highlight how education in the future needs to change to keep pace with the coming challenges and possibilities.




Sustainability Forum – Hållbarhetsforum

Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services


On this page


Ali Osman och Carina Carlhed Ydhag
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