Stockholm university

Facts in numbers

Stockholm University has 29,400 students (full-time equivalents), 1,300 doctoral students, and 5,500 members of staff. Below you will find even more facts for the year 2023.



Revenues for first- and second cycle education: 2.4 billion SEK

Total number of registered students*: 39,672 (64% women)
Total number of full-time equivalent students**: 29,440 (64% women)
Annual performance equivalent SU: 22,261

*Students with a first or continued registration for a course that Stockholm University offered Spring semester 2023. Source: Swedish Higher Education Authority.

**does not include contracted courses, contract education or education that complements completed foreign education

Full-time students

Human Science: 26,150

Faculty of Humanities: 9,173
Faculty of Law: 2,665
Faculty of Social Sciences: 14,312

Science: 3,289

Study programmes with the largest number of first choice applicants per applicant

  • Master's programme in Psychology
  • Bachelor’s programme in Criminology
  • International Master's Program in Curating, including Art, Management and Law
  • Master's Programme in International Relations
  • Master’s Programme in Global Political Economy

Degrees awarded

Degrees awarded at the Bachelor's and Master's levels: 6,660

General qualifications at the Bachelor's level: 2,779
General qualification at the Master's level: 1,428
Professional qualifications: 2,453

International student exchange

Incoming students: 1,659
Outgoing students: 760
Number of active exchange agreements: just over 1000 across 50 countries

Active doctoral students

Active doctoral students: 1,282 (54% women)

Degrees awarded

Doctoral degrees: 227
Licentiate degrees: 31



Total number of employees: 5,459
Full-time employees: 4,744
Professors: 532 (35% women)



Total revenue: SEK 6,1 billion
Government funding: 61%
Grants (external funding): 29%
Fees and other contributions or revenues: 9%

Distribution of revenue by area of operation:
Revenues for first- and second-cycle education: 39%
Revenues for research and third-cycle education: 61%



Costs: SEK 974 million
Area: almost 290,000 sq. m.


Annual report

The Annual report is the government's tool for following up developments at Stockholm University during the past year. The figures above are taken from the Annual report 2023.

On this page


Drönarbild Frescati
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