Stockholm university

Research integrity and ethics

Research integrity and ethics issues can arise in all areas of research, and include intra-scientific matters as well as concerns for those affected by the performance and consequences of research. Research integrity and ethics issues are subject to continuous discussions, based on established practice and regulations.

Stockholm University’s Research integrity and ethics policy

Stockholm University protects the quality, integrity and independence of research, and this requires research to be carried out in accordance with good research practice. Stockholm University’s Research integrity and ethics policy clarifies the University’s overall view regarding the protection and promotion of good research practice, foundations for this work and the distribution of responsibilities within the organization. Thereby, the policy aims to protect individuals, society, animals, the environment, etcetera, as well as to protect the credibility of science, trust in research and the University as an institution.

Stockholm University’s policy on research integrity and ethics


Research integrity and ethics support

The ethics support function at the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services at Stockholm University provides support to researchers and University leadership relating to research integrity and ethics. Common questions concern ethical review of research involving humans, informed consent from research subjects, ethics guidelines, publication issues, ethics issues in research collaborations, ethics requirements of research funders and other issues relating to good research practice.
The ethics support function organizes seminars and distributes newsletters on relevant topics on a regular basis, and continually monitors the development in this area.

Information on research integrity and ethics at Stockholm University


Handling of research misconduct

Suspicions of research misconduct shall be investigated by the National Board for Assessment of Research Misconduct (Npof). Research misconduct involves deviations from good research practice in the form of plagiarism, falsification and fabrication. Suspicions of other deviations from good research practice shall be investigated by the Council for Good Research Practice at Stockholm University. More information about good research practice, the handling of suspicions of deviations from good research practice and how to report, the legislation and the University’s procedures can be found via the link below.

Information about good research practice and research misconduct


Animal experiments at Stockholm University

Research based on animal testing is an important and crucial part of scientific and medical research. The research provides new knowledge that is of crucial importance to the life and health of animals as well as humans. In Sweden, animal experiments can only be used when no alternative methods are available. All use of experimental animals must be carried out in accordance with existing laws and rules on animal protection. All animal experiments must also be approved by an ethical committee before the experiments can be performed. Here you can find more information about animal experiments at Stockholm University.

Read more about animal experiments at Stockholm University



The ethics support function at the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services.


On this page


Drönarbild Frescati
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