At Stockholm University, we have taken a different path, with long-term relationship-building in the context of strategic partnerships. It may not have the same news value, but the result favours long-term mutual cooperation rather than quick cash.

So, for example, I have just signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Greek company Temes and the Academy of Athens, regarding an extended collaboration around our joint research station NEO (Navarino Environmental Observatory) in Messinien , Greece, which after a joint development phase lasting several years, was inaugurated in 2012. The intention now is to agree on a new five-year contract from 2015.

At NEO, Stockholm University conducts courses on location, in everything from botany to human geography, as well as basic research on environmental and climate issues. This research has shown that new conclusions of a more applied nature can be drawn, for example regarding water supply in the region. In this way, our strategic partnership around NEO are also a way of meeting our task of contributing to society in practice.