Stockholm university

Art + Research: The Body, Art and the Nation


Date: Wednesday 1 June 2022

Time: 17.00 – 18.00

Location: Accelerator

Which roles have the body, art and art history played in the construction of the Swedish nation? A conversation between Hanni Kamaly and researchers from Stockholm University in connection with Kamaly’s exhibition at Accelerator.

In which ways are bodily ideals and nationalism connected? What happened when the body, rather than stories, music and other cultural expressions, became the focus of nation-building? How was the image of the Swede as white, blonde and blue-eyed constructed in 19th-century art? THIS LAND 4 ALL, Hanni Kamaly’s current exhibition at Accelerator, serves as the point of departure for the discussion of these issues. 

The conversation will take place in Accelerator’s café, in Swedish. It will be recorded for Accelerator’s podcast. No pre-booking required. Free admission.



Hanni Kamaly, artist
Jeff Werner, professor of Art History at Stockholm University
Peter Gillgren, professor of Art History at Stockholm University

Moderator: Therese Kellner, curator at Accelerator.


Read more about the conversation and the participants

Read more about the exhibition THIS LAND 4 ALL

OS-invigningen 1912, Stockholm. Stillbild från Hanni Kamalys film ”THIS LAND 4 ALL”, 2022.