The Arrival Service is the first event of the Welcome Activities and is open to all new international students and exchange students at Stockholm University. Student ambassadors and university staff will welcome you and help you settle into your new life in Stockholm and Sweden.
The Arrival Service is the first event of the Welcome Activities and is open to all new international students and exchange students at Stockholm University. Student ambassadors and university staff will welcome you and help you settle into your new life in Stockholm and Sweden.
Newly arrived in Stockholm and not familiar with our campus? Join us for a 45-minute tour to discover the buildings and interesting facts about our main campus, Frescati.
Newly arrived in Stockholm and not familiar with our campus? Join us for a 45-minute tour to discover the buildings and interesting facts about our main campus, Frescati.
Do you have a question you need a quick answer to? Do you want to polish up your study skills? Are you unsure about an aspect of referencing or academic style?
Do you have a question you need a quick answer to? Do you want to polish up your study skills? Are you unsure about an aspect of referencing or academic style?
Are you struggling to stay focused and get things done? During a Shut up and read! Shut up and write! meeting, we work together in a room where everyone focuses on their own tasks. We do this to inspire each other and get away from distractions.
Are you struggling to stay focused and get things done? During a Shut up and read! Shut up and write! meeting, we work together in a room where everyone focuses on their own tasks. We do this to inspire each other and get away from distractions.
Monirul Azam, doctoral student in Private Law at Stockholm University, defends doctoral thesis: Closing the Gaps to the LDCs − Technology Transfer under International Law on Climate Change and Intellectual Property.
Monirul Azam, doctoral student in Private Law at Stockholm University, defends doctoral thesis: Closing the Gaps to the LDCs − Technology Transfer under International Law on Climate Change and Intellectual Property.
Newly arrived in Stockholm and not familiar with our campus? Join us for a 45-minute tour to discover the buildings and interesting facts about our main campus, Frescati.
Newly arrived in Stockholm and not familiar with our campus? Join us for a 45-minute tour to discover the buildings and interesting facts about our main campus, Frescati.
Two scholars of the region will provide a reflection on current views of the war and a genealogy to the events in Gaza, discussing the historical roots to the violence and the parties involved from the 1920s until today.
Two scholars of the region will provide a reflection on current views of the war and a genealogy to the events in Gaza, discussing the historical roots to the violence and the parties involved from the 1920s until today.
Wednesday 22 January, Corinna Walsh from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, will give a seminar in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Stockholm University's seminar series PHS Talks.
Wednesday 22 January, Corinna Walsh from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, will give a seminar in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Stockholm University's seminar series PHS Talks.
Join our Welcome Fair, where you will get to meet and interact with the different units of Stockholm University. Throughout the day and afternoon, you will also be able to participate in speed friending, get to know Frescati campus at a digital walk, listen to mini lectures, visit the different student union pubs around campus and more. No registration needed.
Join our Welcome Fair, where you will get to meet and interact with the different units of Stockholm University. Throughout the day and afternoon, you will also be able to participate in speed friending, get to know Frescati campus at a digital walk, listen to mini lectures, visit the different student union pubs around campus and more. No registration needed.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
Are you interested in finding a career in Sweden? In this webinar for international students, we will take a look at the Swedish job market and different strategies to enter it.
Are you interested in finding a career in Sweden? In this webinar for international students, we will take a look at the Swedish job market and different strategies to enter it.
New student and not familiar with the campus areas yet? Join a tour to explore campus Albano and to learn more about some of the buildings and what you can find where.
New student and not familiar with the campus areas yet? Join a tour to explore campus Albano and to learn more about some of the buildings and what you can find where.
The Medieval Seminar presents Samuel Ottewill-Soulsby, Archaeology, Uppsala University, and Caitlin Ellis, History, Oslo University.
"The Caliph and the Falcons: A Ninth-Century History from Iceland to Baghdad".
The Medieval Seminar presents Samuel Ottewill-Soulsby, Archaeology, Uppsala University, and Caitlin Ellis, History, Oslo University.
"The Caliph and the Falcons: A Ninth-Century History from Iceland to Baghdad".
New student and not familiar with the campus areas yet? Join a tour to explore campus Albano and to learn more about some of the buildings and what you can find where.
New student and not familiar with the campus areas yet? Join a tour to explore campus Albano and to learn more about some of the buildings and what you can find where.
Do you have a question you need a quick answer to? Do you want to polish up your study skills? Are you unsure about an aspect of referencing or academic style?
Do you have a question you need a quick answer to? Do you want to polish up your study skills? Are you unsure about an aspect of referencing or academic style?
Are you struggling to stay focused and get things done? During a Shut up and read! Shut up and write! meeting, we work together in a room where everyone focuses on their own tasks. We do this to inspire each other and get away from distractions.
Are you struggling to stay focused and get things done? During a Shut up and read! Shut up and write! meeting, we work together in a room where everyone focuses on their own tasks. We do this to inspire each other and get away from distractions.
Vivien Boldis, PhD candidate in Public Health Sciences, defends her doctoral thesis: “Follicular fallacies or where should we begin? Polycystic ovary syndrome from a life course perspective”.
Vivien Boldis, PhD candidate in Public Health Sciences, defends her doctoral thesis: “Follicular fallacies or where should we begin? Polycystic ovary syndrome from a life course perspective”.
We are thrilled to announce that the Swedish Oikos Meeting 2025 will be held here in Stockholm! This will be the 42nd conference of the Swedish Oikos Society, and the fifth time it is hosted in Stockholm.
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
We are thrilled to announce that the Swedish Oikos Meeting 2025 will be held here in Stockholm! This will be the 42nd conference of the Swedish Oikos Society, and the fifth time it is hosted in Stockholm.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
Open Seminar - November 2024 marked the eight-year anniversary of the Peace Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army (FARC-EP), after more than fifty years of war.
Open Seminar - November 2024 marked the eight-year anniversary of the Peace Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army (FARC-EP), after more than fifty years of war.
Laura Azalia Sánchez, PhD candidate in Spanish Literature, defends her doctoral thesis: "La crítica de la violencia patriarcal en cinco cuentos de Mariana Enriquez"
Laura Azalia Sánchez, PhD candidate in Spanish Literature, defends her doctoral thesis: "La crítica de la violencia patriarcal en cinco cuentos de Mariana Enriquez"
Do you want to improve your CV and cover letter? Welcome to a webinar where we will discuss how to write a structured and interesting CV and cover letter adjusted for the Swedish job market.
Do you want to improve your CV and cover letter? Welcome to a webinar where we will discuss how to write a structured and interesting CV and cover letter adjusted for the Swedish job market.
Si hace algunas décadas irrumpió la novela negra como alternativa discursiva al realismo social para mostrar las aporías de la sociedad en la era del capitalismo
tardío, con la irrupción dentro del campo cultural de obras como las de Stieg Larsson en el ámbito nórdico, Ricardo Piglia o Vázquez Montalbán en el hispánico, por solo mencionar algunos autores señeros, en las últimas décadas del siglo XXI se puede constatar la existencia de un nuevo auge de la literatura fantástica con fines similares, a saber desactivar y desautomatizar los procedimientos del capitalismo neoliberal en su afán de controlar y dominar el mundo.
Si hace algunas décadas irrumpió la novela negra como alternativa discursiva al realismo social para mostrar las aporías de la sociedad en la era del capitalismo
tardío, con la irrupción dentro del campo cultural de obras como las de Stieg Larsson en el ámbito nórdico, Ricardo Piglia o Vázquez Montalbán en el hispánico, por solo mencionar algunos autores señeros, en las últimas décadas del siglo XXI se puede constatar la existencia de un nuevo auge de la literatura fantástica con fines similares, a saber desactivar y desautomatizar los procedimientos del capitalismo neoliberal en su afán de controlar y dominar el mundo.
The yearly career fair of the Mathematics-Physics Section gives you who are studying mathematics, physics or related subjects a chance to find out more about career options, and to connect with potential future employers. The career fair of 2025 will take place in Albano on 12 February.
The yearly career fair of the Mathematics-Physics Section gives you who are studying mathematics, physics or related subjects a chance to find out more about career options, and to connect with potential future employers. The career fair of 2025 will take place in Albano on 12 February.
Welcome to a thesis defence at DSV! In his PhD thesis, Gerard Nyiringango explores how virtual patient cases could be used in the education of nurses in Rwanda.
Welcome to a thesis defence at DSV! In his PhD thesis, Gerard Nyiringango explores how virtual patient cases could be used in the education of nurses in Rwanda.
Prepare yourself for internships, part-time jobs, or future careers in Sweden by understanding some of the values, ethics, and dynamics that define Swedish work life.
Prepare yourself for internships, part-time jobs, or future careers in Sweden by understanding some of the values, ethics, and dynamics that define Swedish work life.
The Medieval Seminar presents Irene Garcìa Losquiño, Archaeology, CISPAC, University of Santiago de Compostela, and Uppsala University, and Declan Taggart, Institute of Research in Literature and Visual Arts, University of Iceland.
The Medieval Seminar presents Irene Garcìa Losquiño, Archaeology, CISPAC, University of Santiago de Compostela, and Uppsala University, and Declan Taggart, Institute of Research in Literature and Visual Arts, University of Iceland.
Task-based language teaching – TBLT – is a framework for teaching and learning foreign and second languages. This symposium brings together scholars and practitioners to explore research and applications, and aims to build a network for collaborative projects between academia and schools.
Task-based language teaching – TBLT – is a framework for teaching and learning foreign and second languages. This symposium brings together scholars and practitioners to explore research and applications, and aims to build a network for collaborative projects between academia and schools.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
Do you want to start healthy mindfulness habits in an easy way? We'll help you from start to goal in six weeks. Welcome to our group, starting 5 March!
Do you want to start healthy mindfulness habits in an easy way? We'll help you from start to goal in six weeks. Welcome to our group, starting 5 March!
Are you applying or are simply curious about the Master's programme in Biochemistry with specialization in protein chemistry? Or the Master’s programme in Neurochemistry with Molecular Neurobiology? Join this webinar to learn more!
Are you applying or are simply curious about the Master's programme in Biochemistry with specialization in protein chemistry? Or the Master’s programme in Neurochemistry with Molecular Neurobiology? Join this webinar to learn more!
The Medieval Seminar presents Christian Oertel, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa. "Delegated Rulership in Late Medieval Sweden? Comparing the ruling style of Wenceslas IV (HRE) and riksföreståndaren Svante Nilsson".
The Medieval Seminar presents Christian Oertel, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa. "Delegated Rulership in Late Medieval Sweden? Comparing the ruling style of Wenceslas IV (HRE) and riksföreståndaren Svante Nilsson".
The project ‘Forward to the (Common) Roots of Education – Pedagogical Terminologies in Different Languages’ is striving forward an overview of the actual situation in research on educational terminology in different languages from the perspective of educational and cultural science.
The project ‘Forward to the (Common) Roots of Education – Pedagogical Terminologies in Different Languages’ is striving forward an overview of the actual situation in research on educational terminology in different languages from the perspective of educational and cultural science.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
Do you have unreasonably high standards for your performance? Do you find it difficult to finish tasks because everything can be done a little bit better? Do you feel that your self-worth stands or falls with how well you perform?
Do you have unreasonably high standards for your performance? Do you find it difficult to finish tasks because everything can be done a little bit better? Do you feel that your self-worth stands or falls with how well you perform?
Have you just received your Notification of Selection Results from University Admissions and been selected for a Master's programme at Stockholm University? Then this webinar is for you!
Have you just received your Notification of Selection Results from University Admissions and been selected for a Master's programme at Stockholm University? Then this webinar is for you!
"Från verklighetens fruktträdgårdar till kyrkokonstens Paradis: medeltida trädgårdsmiljöer som platser och rum"
och "Riddarholmsskeppet och andra medeltida krigsfartyg: rapport från ett bokprojekt inom RJ-programmet ”Glömda flottan”.
The Medieval Seminar presents Anna Andreasson Sjögren and Niklas Eriksson, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University.
"Från verklighetens fruktträdgårdar till kyrkokonstens Paradis: medeltida trädgårdsmiljöer som platser och rum"
och "Riddarholmsskeppet och andra medeltida krigsfartyg: rapport från ett bokprojekt inom RJ-programmet ”Glömda flottan”.
The Medieval Seminar presents Anna Andreasson Sjögren and Niklas Eriksson, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
Would you like to try a different way to manage the pressures of academic life? Research shows that gardening offers numerous benefits when it comes to stress relief and improved well-being. Join our gardening group and cultivate not only flowers and veggies but your own health.
Would you like to try a different way to manage the pressures of academic life? Research shows that gardening offers numerous benefits when it comes to stress relief and improved well-being. Join our gardening group and cultivate not only flowers and veggies but your own health.
During the Study in Sweden virtual fair, you can chat with Stockholm University and also meet Study in Sweden and learn what it’s like to live and learn the Swedish Way.
During the Study in Sweden virtual fair, you can chat with Stockholm University and also meet Study in Sweden and learn what it’s like to live and learn the Swedish Way.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
Are you interested in finding a career in Sweden? In this webinar for international students, we will take a look at the Swedish job market and different strategies to enter it.
Are you interested in finding a career in Sweden? In this webinar for international students, we will take a look at the Swedish job market and different strategies to enter it.
During the Study in Sweden virtual fair, you can chat with Stockholm University and also meet Study in Sweden and learn what it’s like to live and learn the Swedish Way.
During the Study in Sweden virtual fair, you can chat with Stockholm University and also meet Study in Sweden and learn what it’s like to live and learn the Swedish Way.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
The Bert Bolin Lecture on Climate Research is given annually to commemorate professor Bert Bolin and his pioneering work for climate research at Stockholm University and internationally. The speaker is selected among prominent scientists within climate research by the Faculty of Science.
The Bert Bolin Lecture on Climate Research is given annually to commemorate professor Bert Bolin and his pioneering work for climate research at Stockholm University and internationally. The speaker is selected among prominent scientists within climate research by the Faculty of Science.
The conference The Poetics and Politics of Child Culture(s) draws attention to the aesthetic, practical, economic, and ideological possibilities and challenges that child and youth cultures are facing today.
The conference The Poetics and Politics of Child Culture(s) draws attention to the aesthetic, practical, economic, and ideological possibilities and challenges that child and youth cultures are facing today.
Do you want to improve your CV and cover letter? Welcome to a webinar where we will discuss how to write a structured and interesting CV and cover letter adjusted for the Swedish job market.
Do you want to improve your CV and cover letter? Welcome to a webinar where we will discuss how to write a structured and interesting CV and cover letter adjusted for the Swedish job market.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
Prepare yourself for internships, part-time jobs, or future careers in Sweden by understanding some of the values, ethics, and dynamics that define Swedish work life.
Prepare yourself for internships, part-time jobs, or future careers in Sweden by understanding some of the values, ethics, and dynamics that define Swedish work life.
During the Study in Sweden virtual fair, you can chat with Stockholm University and also meet Study in Sweden and learn what it’s like to live and learn the Swedish Way.
During the Study in Sweden virtual fair, you can chat with Stockholm University and also meet Study in Sweden and learn what it’s like to live and learn the Swedish Way.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.
This is a webinar for prospective students that want to know more about Stockholm and Sweden as a study destination, what it is like to study at Stockholm University, and about the application process.