Stockholm university

Alumni Mentorship Programme

Mentorship is a way of transferring valuable experiences and knowledge from one person to another. It is a personal and professional development journey for both the mentor and the mentee.


Purpose of the programme

The Mentorship Programme is an initiative taken by the alumni coordinators at Student Services. Participating departments are given an opportunity to connect their current students to their alumni in a mentoring capacity.

The main purpose of the Mentorship Programme is to connect alumni and students in a meaningful way, thereby creating a mutual benefit, and cementing a stronger relationship between all involved: the students, the alumni, and the department. The participating departments are responsible for responding to the needs of the students and alumni, and pair them.


Mentorship programme events calendar, 2024-25

In addition to meetings between mentor and mentee, a number of larger meetings will be arranged during the course of the programme. During these meetings, participants will be given guidance and education so as to learn and develop in their roles. The objective for the events in the calendar is to solidify the engagement of the mentors and mentees in the program, provide professional development activities, as well as to inspire and motivate the participants.

  • Mentee workshop on Zoom, November 5, 2024
  • Mentor workshop on Zoom, November 6, 2024
  • Kick-off at University, November 13, 2024
  • Mid-way meeting at University, February 12, 2025  
  • Experience sharing mentees on Zoom, March 7, 2025 
  • Experience sharing mentors on Zoom, March 20, 2025 
  • Conclusion at University, May 20, 2025 (tbd)

More information about the events will be sent out to the participants in the beginning of the programme.


Participating departments 2024-25

The alumni coordinators at Student Services are responsible for the overall structure of the programme and will organize a series of events during the course of the programme. The alumni coordinators at the participating departments recruit alumni and students to match within the programme. Following departments participate 2024-25:

  • Department of Astronomy
  • Department of Biology Education
  • Department of Media Studies
  • Department of Meteorology
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Public Health Sciences
  • Department of Romance Studies and Classics
  • Stockholm Resilience Centre

Read about earlier participants

Participating in the programme can be very rewarding, whether you are a mentor or a student. Read about some of the earlier participants' experiences here.

"The mentorship programme exceeded my expectations"

Communication is in focus during this year’s mentorship programme

Mentorship for community and connection to the working world

Virtual relationship-building in this year's mentorship programme

Read about a mentor and mentee who haven't yet met in person

Expectations: Meet Naomi and Johanna

Experiences: Meet Akshay and Annette


Interested in the mentorship programme?

If you are a student or alum interested in participating in next year's programme, please contact your department!



Student Services

On this page


Photo: Sören Andersson
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