Stockholm university

Nordlys Erasmus+

Nordlys Erasmus+ gives you the chance to experience the common culture of the Nordic countries and the linguistic similarities, whilst also getting to know the differences and nuances. An exchange within the Nordic region gives you new perspectives on your studies, a variety of courses and a high-quality education.

For information in Swedish click here

If you want to conduct an exchange in the Nordic region, please contact your department to see if there is an exchange agreement with the Nordic host university of your interest. If there is no exchange agreement at your department, or if you like to study a subject outside your main field of study, you are welcome to apply for an exchange through the central Nordlys Erasmus+ network.

All students at Stockholm University, regardless of subject area, can apply for exchange studies within the Nordlys Erasmus+ network. The programme is aimed at higher education students at bachelor’s or master’s level. All students offered a place through the Nordlys Erasmus+ network can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship.


Students can apply to all universities within the Nordlys network. Number of exchange places/seats are not fixed.

In the agreement portal you will find all Nordlys agreements by choosing the “program” Erasmus Nordlys Student
Please note: It is important that you click on the partner university in the agreement database and confirm that there is no restricted area of study (course restrictions).

Read more about Nordlys on the network's website on this link

In your Nordlys Erasmus+ application you can select three universities, which you should rank; first, second, and third hand choice. 

Information for students with a citizenship from outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland.

If you are an international student currently studying in Sweden and looking at studying abroad, please read through this FAQ (the section for Exchange studies) before you apply. Applying for an exchange may affect your residence permit in Sweden. 

FAQ about Costs, fees and scholarships


All students offered a place through the Nordlys exchange programme can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship. 

Please note, students that conduct their exchange study at The University of the Faroe Islands are not able to receive a scholarship through Nordlys Erasmus+.

Read more about the Erasmus+scholarships


To be able to participate in a Nordlys Erasmus+ exchange and eligible to apply for a scholarship you have to fulfill the below criteria (both the general eligibility requirements and the special eligibility requirements for the Nordlys Erasmus+ programme).

General eligibility requirements

Admission requirements

Special eligibility requirements for the Nordlys Erasmus+ programme

  • Study at least two (2) months, but no more than twelve (12) months at the host university
  • Intend to graduate at Stockholm University
  • Not been on an Erasmus exchange/traineeship before, during the same study cycle, with a total mobility exceeding 360 days (previously + planned mobility)
  • Students with a Stockholm University scholarship (also called Stockholm University tuition fee waiver) cannot go on an exchange through Nordlys Erasmus +. Stockholm University's scholarship recipients can conduct exchange studies, as long as it is not funded through Erasmus +.

Read more about the Erasmus+ requirements on this link

Exchange period                                     Application period  
Autumn semester or academic year Autumn & Spring              1 – 30 November
Spring semester 1 – 30 April

The deadline for all applications is at 23:59.  

Complete the application form in Stockholm University's student exchange portal (in English):

Link to the application form in the exchange portal

Please note that the application form is only available during the application periods. Your SU-ID (University Account) is your login to the application portal, and you can save and return to your initiated application during the entire application period.
In your application you can choose up to three universities, you have to priorities them in first, second and third hand choice.

The following documents should be attached in your application (in English):

  • Personal motivation letter. This document must be no more than one (1) page. The letter is directed to Stockholm University.  We want to know why you apply and why you should go abroad for exchange studies, and tell us if you have done anything in particular that makes you a suitable candidate.
  • Preliminary course selection (pdf) (182 Kb) )
    You will find further information about your courses under the section “course proposal” below.

How do I find courses on the host university websites?

The Student Service do not have the capacity to look for courses for individual students. It is recommended that you look for courses at the host institutions website under “courses” or “faculties” to find the course catalogue. You can always contact the host institutions International Coordinator if you do not find any course catalogue. It is part of the challenge in the application process to find your courses. 

How do I know how many credits equal to 30 credits (högskolepoäng) at Stockholm University?

You should apply for courses at the host university corresponding to one semester of full-time studies, 30 credits (högskolepoäng). Your home department at Stockholm University need to approve your preliminary course proposal. 

Who approves my course selection?

All courses should be transferred to Stockholm University after the exchange. 

Can I change the course proposal after nomination to a host university?

The course proposal in your application is preliminary. A final course selection will be done if you have been granted an exchange position (been nominated). 


Applications are assessed based on the following selection criteria:

General selection criteria


When will I receive information whether I have been nominated or not?

All applicants will receive an e-mail with the result of the application about one month after the application deadline. 

Your decision will be sent via e-mail through the online system MoveOn. We recommend you to check your junk mail regularly. All students that applied will be notified of the result, both if you received a seat for nomination or not. Please make sure that you notify the Student Services if you change your email address after you submit your application.

Will there be a second application round with spare seats?


Can I apply again if I did not receive a seat (was not nominated)?

Yes, you can apply again in the next application round.

What happens if I reject the nomination place? 

Nothing, you can apply again in the next application round. 

Is there a chance I won’t be admitted to a partner university (if I get nominated)?

There is always a risk. Stockholm University cannot guarantee that you get admitted to the host university since only they can admit you. However, it rarely happens that students don’t get admitted once they are nominated.


When you have been selected for exchange studies through Stockholm University your next step is to accept or decline your offer. Stockholm University will nominate you to the host university once you have accepted your offer. Then you apply to the host university, according to their instructions. You will receive information and assistance from their International Coordinator. When you have received a confirmation that you have been accepted to the host university, it is confirmed that you can conduct your exchange studies. 

When you have been nominated to the host university you will receive an email from the Erasmus Coordinator at the Student Services about next steps to apply for the Erasmus+ scholarship. 

Below you will find useful information. Please note, the information is for all outbound exchange students at Stockholm University. 

Useful information for outgoing exchange students

Useful information for students with an Erasmus+ scholarship (before, during, after your student exchange)



If you have any questions regarding Nordlys Erasmus+, please contact

If you have questions concerning approval of courses within your degree, please contact the exchange coordinator at your department.

Departmental international coordinators

Please contact the Degree Office for courses that your department cannot approve.

Find the Degree Office contact details here

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