Frequently asked questions
On this page you will find answers to the most frequently asked IT-related questions.
Information in English for staff members
Information på svenska för studenter och gäster
Your active student status has ended
You are considered an active student during the terms you are registered in Ladok (University Study Documentation System) or according to the example below:
You are considered as a student if you are registered for two previous semesters, the current semester and the next semester.
Only active students have access to:
- Office 365
- Licensed version of the E-meeting service Zoom
- The library course literature and e-resources
If you are still studying at Stockholm University, please contact your department to register as an active student again.
If you have finished your studies at Stockholm University, you are now an alumni. Read more about Alumni Relations
Lost or forgotten password - university account
If you are a student
Go to and follow the instructions
Activate university account
New student
As a new student, you must activate your university account. The university account gives you access to the university IT services. You can usually activate your university account about two weeks before the semester starts.
Go to and follow the instructions
Activate university account with One-Time Code
What is a One-Time Code?
You can use your confirmed one-time code to access certain IT resources and to activate your university account. The code is valid for one week from creation. The most recently created one-time code is the one that is valid.
How do I get a One-Time Code?
You can receive the one-time code:
- If you are a campus student - go to Infocenter at Studenthuset (the student building) and ask for a One-Time Code. You need to present valid identification.
- If you are a distance student - contact your department's student office.
Here you can find a list of all departments and contact information
To activate your university account with a one-time code, do the following:
- Go to
- Click on One-Time Code to identify yourself.
- Enter your one-time code's Identity (e.g., OTC-xXxX), Secret (e.g., xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx), and click Login. You have now activated your university account.
- Print or write down your username and password displayed on the screen. You can now use your university account to log in to our IT services.
Wireless networks at Stockholm University
At Stockholm University, there are two wireless networks, eduroam and SU. As a guest user, you can only connect to the SU network throughout SU except at Albano. At Albano, the only available wireless network is the eduroam network, which requires a university account.
Guest login to the SU wireless network
Unconfirmed One-Time codes only provide access to Stockholm University's public network SU for a limited time (1 week). Departments/equivalents distribute the codes to their guests and affiliates.
If you plan to stay for an extended period of time, the authorised person at the department ("SUKAT-ansvarig") should instead order a university account (personal user account) for you.
To connect to the SU wireless network as a guest, do the following:
- Choose SU as the wireless network on your computer or mobile phone.
- Start a browser and try to open a page. You will then be redirected to a page where you can choose a login method. Select one of the options and log in to access the internet.
To get online, you must log in with:
- A university account - for students and staff members.
- An unconfirmed One-Time code - for temporary guests ( you will get the One-Time code from your department)
Call IT-support: 08-16 1999
Opening hours:
Weekdays between 8.30 am and 11.00 am and 12.30 pm and 3.00 pm.
Last updated: August 16, 2024
Source: IT Services