Stockholm university

StavaRex & Spellright

On this page you will find instructions for downloading and installing StavaRex and SpellRight. In order to access certain information, you must be registered in Ladok as an active student at Stockholm University.

Description Spelling support for Swedish and English
Supplier Oribi
Distribution This program is downloaded from the suppliers homesite.

For a how-to on how to download and install the program, see instructions below.

The instruction also contains information on renewal of license and instructions on how to uninstall the program.

Period of validity 1 May – 30 April
Renew license Renew licence by downloading program again (see instruction below)
Questions/support Contact Helpdesk/Oribi support

Log in to Stockholm University's account with the supplier: Go to Skolon.

For information on which user information to enter, click here.


Choose program and platform and click on Download. The download will start - it is normally completed in less than a minute.


Open the downloaded file (if a query pops up asking if it is ok to open the file, click on OK). The intallation will begin - it is nomally complete in less that a minute.

To renew the license, download a new version as above. Renewal is now complete.

Once you have completed your studies, you must uninstall the program. The exact details of what you need to do depends on the platform you are using.


For support contact Oribi via email.


Contact Helpdesk


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