Stockholm university

Insurance for EU/EEA/Swiss/Nordic Citizens

If you’re a citizen of any of the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, you should register for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in your home country before coming to Sweden.

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you the right to medical care at the same cost as Swedes. Remember to always bring the card when seeking medical care. If you’re not able to receive your EHIC before leaving home due to long waiting times, you can request a temporary certificate from the same office in your home country that issues the EHIC.

If you can’t obtain an EHIC in your home country, for example because you have double citizenship, and you’re not a resident in your EU/EEA country of citizenship, you are covered by the Student IN insurance, provided by “Kammarkollegiet”. To obtain an insurance certificate please contact The Insurance is not accepted by the Swedish Tax Agency for registration in the Swedish Population Register but enables the student to receive compensation for emergency medical and dental care according to the conditions for Student IN insurance. 


If you are an exchange student, you are also covered by the Student-IN for coverage regarding, for example, property and liability. 

Insurance for exchange students


Apply for a Swedish personal identity number

If you will be staying in Sweden for more than a year, you should register with the Swedish Tax Agency for a personal identity number. You will need to show your European Health Insurance Card when you apply for your Swedish personal identity number. Once you have received your Swedish personal identity number, you will be entitled to all healthcare services and pay Swedish patient fees.

Swedish personal identity number

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