Stockholm university

General information for tenants

Here you can find general rules and information such as information on rent payments and fault reports. For more specific information please read your rental contract and the information sheet for each accommodation area.

Maintenance problems in the accommodation need to be reported by making a maintenance request through the accommodation account.

For emergency issues (risk for person or property) outside the Housing office working hours (Monday-Friday 08:00 – 16:30) contact the property manager directly by calling the emergency phone number:

  • SSSB (Kungshamra and Lappis): +46 (0)8-458 10 11
  • Kräftriket (Hovbeslag): +46 (0)10-557 24 00
  • Nora torg: +46 (0)72 859 2083

If the emergency number is called for a non-emergency issue or during office hours a fine may occur.

It is not possible to change housing areas or type of accommodation.

Tenants are responsible for cleaning their accommodation during the entire rental period. Tenants are responsible for buying cleaning supplies as none of these is provided by the Housing Office.

Each tenant is also responsible for keeping shared spaces clean at all times, such as common kitchens and bathrooms, corridors, laundry rooms.

At Lappis, Kungshamra and Hovbeslag tenants from every corridor/shared apartment are responsible for making their own cleaning schedule. However, all tenants are responsible to keep the common areas clean at all times by cleaning oven, stove tops, microwaves (where included), dishes and all utensils and surfaces. If cleaning is not carried out properly, all tenants are responsible for talking to their neighbors and solving the issue together. 

Upon departure, all tenants are required to clean the accommodation according to the provided cleaning instructions – read more at Departure information.

It is important to keep in mind that hot oil cannot be poured into the kitchen sink as it will cause the pipes to clog. Instead, it has to be wiped away with kitchen paper and this must be thrown away as per disposal instructions. 
It is also important to remember to regularly dust or vacuum under and behind the refrigerator as the dust may cause a fire.

According to the law, apartment block residents cannot perform noisy work or make any kind of disturbing noise between 10pm - 7am during weekdays and between 10pm–10am during weekends and public holidays.

In case of parties, this rule must be followed avoiding loud music and noise after 10pm. If the security is called due to disturbance and loud noise a fee may occur and the responsible tenant is charged. The host is responsible for any damages or disturbance (including cleaning, garbage removal, extra security, possible damages, etc.).

If more reports are made for the same tenant causing disturbance, termination of the housing contract may occur. 

If you are disturbed by your neighbors, we recommend that you try to solve the issue with a polite conversation or that you ask for help and advice to the student Health Service in case of major problems.

Tenants can report disturbance that occur outside the allowed hours at the emergency number for their housing area (this number is written in the housing contract). The name of the person making the complaint will remain anonymous.

Student accommodation is rented per semester. If your studies continue for a whole academic year (e.g. from autumn to spring), your housing contract may be extended for one extra semester. However, the rental cost may vary. It is not possible to extend your stay for one or a few extra days after the original end date of contract. Please make sure you arrange your departure accordingly.

Your housing contract will not be extended automatically. You must send an extension request online by logging into your accommodation account and follow all the required steps until you receive an answer about denied or accepted request. If your request is approved, an updated housing contract and confirmation e-mail will be sent, but the extension will only be confirmed once the required payment is made. Note! Remember to always check your spam-e-mail!

If you are not sure that your request went through, you have to contact the Housing Office as soon as possible before the deadline. Please note that extension requests can only be sent after you have moved in.

For an extension for the spring semester, the tenant must apply latest on October 15. For an extension for the autumn semester or the summer period, the tenant must apply latest on April 15.

The Housing Office will process the extension requests after these deadlines.

Extensions are not guaranteed and must be approved by the Housing Office. The Housing Office may only accept the extension request after receiving confirmation of stay from the student’s coordinator (a confirmation from the coordinator is only necessary for extensions for an extra semester and not for summer extensions).

Extensions during summer

A request for an extension during summer is only possible during spring semester. This extension can be for one or some extra weeks – not days! Your original contract ends on Friday the 7th of June 2024, so you can request for an extension of your contract until Friday the 14th, 21st or 28th of June, 2024 and so on until the second Friday of August.

In case of an extension during summer there is no need of contacting the coordinator. The extension period is charged weekly according to the housing contract´s rent and the payment is due before the end of the spring semester.

  1. Save. First of all, you have to think about saving people from the fire. Put yourself and others in a safe place. Get out on the street or the yard, or if you cannot do that, stay in your apartment and close all doors. The rescue services will help you out from the apartment through the window. Remember that smoke always rises. Therefore, you have to get below the smoke and it is easier to see and breathe if you stay close to the floor. Remember to use the staircase and not the elevators. Avoid smoke filled rooms and stairwells. Do not forget to close all doors behind you as you are leaving. A closed door prevents the fire from spreading quickly and it will give the rescue services more time. If you get to a closed door, do not open it to check if there is a fire on the other side because it may cause a backdraft. If you touch the upper part of the door and it is warm, there is probably a fire on the other side.
  2. Alert. After you have put yourself in a secure place, call the rescue services by dialing 112. Tell them what has happened and your location.
  3. Extinguish. You can then try to put out the fire, but you should not run the risk of injuring yourself or other people.

A normal inside temperature during winter in Sweden is generally around 20 degrees. This means that even a temperature between 19-20 degrees is considered to be normal. It is the average temperature that should be around 20 degrees. A variation between a slightly lower and slightly higher temperature is normal and does not mean that the radiators are not working. The radiators turn automatically off once the indoor temperature has reached 20 degrees. If the radiators are cold, this does not mean that they are not working properly, but simply that the indoor temperature is high enough. 

The radiators are turned on when the temperature outside is below 15 degrees (°C) over a longer period, meaning that the temperature is steady under 15 degrees for several days. The heating settings though may vary as each property has its own settings. The buildings are connected to a central heating system which is supposed to heat up the whole property.

During winter the radiators in the apartments should never switched off by the tenants. If 20 degrees feels too cold, please make sure you wear warm clothes and slippers and drink warm beverage.

Before reporting issues with the heating system, tenants should make sure that the indoor temperature is actually too low (below 20 degrees for three days in a row). The temperature should be measured at least one meter from the floor and one meter from the outer wall – read more about heating system in Sweden at

Accommodation keys are picked up upon arrival. Information about where and when to pick up the keys are sent with the housing contract. A passport or a valid identification card (with a photo) is required to receive the keys. 
More information about the key set for every accommodation type can be found under every area’s description at housing-areas.

Lost keys must be reported to the Housing Office or Service center during their opening hours. In case of lost keys outside the working hours, tenants must contact the property owner’s emergency number. A charge for the provided service will occur.

When moving out, keys must be returned to the Key Box located outside the entrance D of Södra Huset (on the left side of the revolving door) – read more under Departure information - key return.

There are several delivery companies in Stockholm and tenants are responsible for contacting the chosen company should they have any problem with their mail delivery. When a package does not fit in the postbox, this is usually left at the nearest service point and a message is sent to the client with the related information.

The Housing Office cannot receive or hold any letters, packages, bags or suitcases for you.

Pest infestations are unfortunately not uncommon. Pests often get into our homes after an overseas trip or other journeys. It is therefore important to wash and clean clothes and bags thoroughly when going home after a trip. Do not store your bags and/or other luggage under your bed as this is the perfect breeding-ground for bedbugs. Cleaning the apartment thoroughly on a regular basis also prevents infestations. Bedbugs can be difficult to see by naked eye. The first sign can be bites in places that are not covered by clothes at night and/or droppings (small black dots) on the bedspread.

If tenants discover any infestations in the apartment or elsewhere in the building, they must by law inform the landlord immediately. This can be done by logging into the online accommodation account and filling out a maintenance request. It is important that this is done as soon as possible to prevent the pests from spreading. The decontamination service is for free and no charges occur when reporting pests. 

Do not hesitate to report suspect infestations of bedbugs or any other insects in the accommodation or any communal areas.

Pets are not permitted in any of our accommodations or common areas.

In Sweden we take recycling very seriously, and Stockholm University is no exception. Each tenant is responsible for sorting their waste and disposing it in the right containers.

Please follow the information and signs about the recycling in the building. When using the recycling rooms or the rooms for bulky waste always put everything as far into the room as possible. Cardboard boxes should be folded to minimize the space. Household garbage containing food scraps must be thrown away at the correct place and not in the recycling rooms or the rooms for bulky waste. This is to prevent bad smells and reduce the risk of vermin. Please note that we charge a fee for everything that we need to clean, pick up or put in the right place. This includes inside the building, the common room, any outdoor area near the building and in the rooms for bulky waste and at the recycling rooms/ stations. Do not throw cigarette butts, paper or any other items on the ground or through the windows in your apartment/building.

Heating, cold water, hot water, electricity and internet (not Wi-Fi) are included in the rent. The rent is paid in two installments. The first 20% of the rent together with the deposit is due straight after receiving the accommodation offer and is required in order to confirm the housing contract. A second payment consisting of the remaining 80% is due in the middle of the semester. However, the related invoice for this second payment is sent straight after the first payment.

In case of contract's extension for a second semester, a new rental payment of 20% of the rent is due before the new semester and the remaining 80% is due in the middle of the new semester. However, the related invoice for this second is sent straight after the first payment.

Summer extensions are charged weekly according to the housing contract´s rent. The payment is due before the end of the spring semester and it is necessary to confirm the extension. 

Rent should be paid online with a credit or debit card. In case of issues with the payments, tenants can contact the Housing Office at e-mail: to receive information about alternative ways to pay the rent.

More information about how and when to pay the rent are sent with the accommodation offer from the Housing Office and are also available in your  accommodation account.

  • Remember to never let any strangers into the building or into your corridor.
  • Never leave any windows open if you are not at home.
  • Always lock your door, even when you are at home.
  • If you need to talk to the police in a non-urgent matter please call 114 14. If you are calling from an international phone number, call +46 77 114 14 00.
  • If there is an emergency concerning your own or another person’s safety please call 112
  • If you feel unsafe in your housing area or with your neighbors you can contact the Housing Office at

Smoke detector and preventative fire information

Every apartment is a separate fire cell. To prevent spreading smoke/fire all apartment doors and doors to the staircases must be kept closed at all times. It is the responsibility of every tenant to see that the doors are kept closed between the different areas. You are not allowed to keep any items in corridors or stairwells (this includes shoes, doormats, bicycles, garbage bags, packages etc.). If there is a fire all evacuation routes must be free from any objects. Please note that if you put things in the corridor or the stairwell they will be removed without any warning and you may also be charged a fine. Please note that smoking is strictly forbidden in the apartment/room and common spaces in all of our accommodations.

While you are living in the accommodation it is your own responsibility to regularly check that the smoke detector in the apartment is working. It is absolutely forbidden to remove or damage the smoke detector.

Ceiling mounted smoke detector

Most of our accommodations are equipped with a ceiling-mounted smoke detector. When moving in, please note that you should test your smoke detector by pressing the push-to-test button until the alarm sounds to see if it is working properly.

If the smoke detector is beeping or blinking non-stop, it is your personal responsibility to change the battery and report the issue immediately should it still not work after changing the battery. To report a nonfunctional smoke detector or if you cannot change the battery yourself you must log into your accommodation account and make a maintenance request.

Smoke detector that is connected to the main system

In our accommodation area Hovbeslag, the smoke detectors are connected to the main system, so you are not allowed to switch them off. If you have a problem with the smoke detector in any of these areas, please make a maintenance request on your accommodation account.

It is prohibited to sublet the accommodation according to Swedish law.

Tenants may be allowed to have guests for one night after receiving approval from the Housing Office. Please refer to your contract for information on guest regulations in your accommodation area.



If you have questions regarding accomodation, please send an e-mail to:

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