Stockholm university

Writing groups

In a writing group you can discuss the challenges of academic writing, give and receive feedback on written work and write with other students. The aim of the group is to help you improve the quality of your writing.

Students in a writing group.
Photo: Jens Olof Lasthein 

The writing group is the most useful thing that happened at SU. Precious time during my first term in Sweden.

A writing group is a weekly meeting where you can share tips on writing with other students and get feedback on your work. A consultant from the Academic Writing Service is always present, and we help to suggest activities and contribute to feedback giving. You should never have to do any extra work for the meetings but there is the expectation that all participants will share some writing with the group each week and attend meetings regularly.

Participation in our writing groups is open to all students at Stockholm University and the Swedish Defence University.


This group is open to students doing thesis writing in English (at any level) or taking master's level courses in English.

Time: Thursdays, from 1-3pm
Starting date: 3 October, 2024
Location: Studenthuset, Frescati Campus
Registration: To register, send an email to

If you want to start your own writing group with classmates or friends, the Academic Writing Service can help you with advice on how to organise meetings and give feedback. To get support for starting your own writing group, click on the link below.

Start a writing group


The Academic Writing Service now provides support for doctoral writing groups. This can include support for starting new groups, providing writing resources for existing groups and participation in feedback meetings. Click on the link below to request support.

Request support for a doctoral writing group

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