Stockholm university

Apply for support as a Swedish citizen

Find out how and when to apply for disability study support at Stockholm University as a Swedish citizen. You can also find information about the digital system Nais used in the application process.


Submit an application in the system Nais by clicking the link below. Attach documentation verifying that you have a long-term disability in your application.

Make an application in Nais

After you have submitted you application one of the following things may happen:

  • If your application is complete, you will be contacted by a coordinator to discuss your need for support. The discussion can be held through a digital or physical meeting or via telephone or email.
  • You may be asked to provide additional documentation needed to process your case.
  • Your application is denied.

When your application is approved you will receive a certificate detailing your recommended and decided adjustments.


You can submit your application for support when you have applied for a course or programme at Stockholm University. It is also possible to apply for support at any time during the semester.

If you have a visual or mobility impairment or are in need a of sign language interpreting, it is recommended that you make an application in Nais when you apply for a course. 


The medical documentation that you provide in your application should be coherent and cohesive and issued by a qualified health care practitioner such as a doctor, psychologist or speech-language pathologist. It must be written in Swedish or English and should include:

  • your name and Swedish personal identity number
  • name, profession, place of work and signature of the person issuing the documentation
  • date and results of the assessment
  • expected duration of the disability

It is also helpful if the documentation includes a description of the disability and how it might affect your studies.


Logging in to Nais

You can log in to Nais by using one of three login options: your Stockholm university student account, your account or your eduID account.

Application process in Nais

The application process in Nais consists of 6 steps that you must complete before submitting your application.

  1. Select university – choose Stockholm University.
  2. Personal data processing – read the information on how your personal data is processed.
  3. Contact information – check your contact information and make any necessary changes.
  4. Attach certificate – upload documentation confirming your long-term disability. Nais will allow both PDFs and pictures, so you may photograph your documentation and upload this. 
  5. Describe your study situation – in the first part, specify what you are or will be studying and for how long. In the second part, you may describe how you think your disability might affect your studies. The second part is optional.
  6. Check your application – and submit it.

What is Nais?

Nais is a digital system where students with long-term disabilities can apply for support at Swedish higher education institutions. It is a national system, used by most higher education institutions in Sweden. 

Who can access your information in Nais?

The information you provide in your application is only accessible to the coordinators at the higher education institution to which you applied. This means that you have to make a new application in Nais even if you have previously received support at other universities in Sweden since the coordinators at Stockholm University do not have access to applications you may have made to other higher education institutions.


The main duties of a coordinator of disability study support are to:

  • process cases for students with long-term disabilities
  • recommend and decide on adjustments based on medical documentation of a long-term disability
  • provide assistance to departments in their work with disability study support



Telephone hours

Wednesdays 1 - 2pm
Tel: +46 8–16 17 80

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