Stockholm university

He wants to know how evolution works at a genetic level

Love Dalén is professor of evolutionary genomics at the Department of Zoology. He is one of Stockholm University’s new professors who will be installed at a ceremony in the Stockholm City Hall on September 29.

Love Dalén, professor of evolutionary genomics at the Department of Zoology. Photo: Sören Andersson

”I use prehistoric DNA to investigate the evolution of various wild animals. We mainly work with different mammals, such as woolly mammoths, lemmings, bears and cave lions. By analyzing DNA from old bones and teeth dated to different times, we can travel back in time and measure when and how evolutionary changes took place.”


How did you get into this?

”I came into contact with researchers in the field of paleogenetics when I was a doctoral student at the Department of Zoology at Stockholm University, and later received an offer to do a postdoc in the subject. First for a year in Madrid where I worked with Iberian lynx and with Neanderthals, and then for two years in London where the focus was on woolly mammoths.”


How does your research contribute to society?

”I believe that our research is of broad interest to the public because we investigate fundamental questions about how evolution works on a genetic level. Such knowledge is important for understanding how the world we live in has been shaped. In addition, by comparing our results with previous climate changes, we can create a better ability to predict how future climate changes will affect biodiversity.”


What has been most exciting so far?

”When we were able to show, through analyses of DNA that is more than a million years old, that the North American Columbian mammoth arose approximately 400,000 years ago. That took place through hybridization between the woolly mammoth and a previously unknown mammoth that we named the Krestovka mammoth.”

This year's Inauguration and conferment ceremony in the Stockholm City Hall will take place on 29 September. Photo: Ingmarie Andersson

Inauguration and Conferment ceremony in the City Hall

Love Dalén is one of the new professors who were employed during 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023. All new professors who took office during this period are invited to the Inauguration and conferment ceremony in the Stockholm City Hall 29 September 2023. The professorial installation is the occasion when the new professors are welcomed to the university and their different subject areas are brought to attention.

Read more about Love Dalén's research.