Stockholm university

Andreas SilvaPhD student

About me

Doctoral student at the section for Management, Organization and Society, Stockholm Business School. Started my position in the fall of 2023 and plan to defend my thesis in the spring of 2028.

Born ´76. Freelanced as a graphic designer of books and attended various schools for creative writing. Completed the psychology program 2008 and have worked with leadership and organizational development since then, both as an employee and independent consultant. 2019 I took a master's degree in social anthropology. My guiding principle has always been a curiosity about the experience of being a human being, in all its complexity.

I usually describe myself as half Swedish, half Colombian, partly raised in the Cape Verde Islands. Not that nationalities matter. Maybe more to say, "hey, everyone contains multitudes, let's explore them!" My background has probably influenced my interest in global North/South relations, colonialism, feminism and temporal ethics. Vulnerability and power in general. And questions about who has access to making futures.

My research

Working title: Future-Making Around Oceans in the Temporal Ruins of Climate Change

My dissertation project explores future-making / temporal practices in relation to the climate crisis, with a particular focus on how human-nature relations are made around oceans. Empirically, the study is based on an extended period of fieldwork on the Cape Verde Islands, a nation with high vulnerability to climate change. The focus is on the temporality of everyday practices, materially and discursively. The aim is to contribute to a less anthropocentric research in the field of organization studies and climate change, and to also discuss human-ocean relations from perspectives such as colonialism and temporal ethics.


Personal Website (opens in new window):


