Stockholm university

Ivana MacekAssociate Professor

About me

My current research is on Migrant Pacific Oysters on the West Coast of Sweden. These mollusks, imported from Pacific Ocean to aquafarms in Europe, escaped these facilities hitchhiking on warmer sea-currents to Western shores of Sweden. Accused of outcompeting local species and being a nuisance to the leisure industry, they are also a potential new marine nutrient.

Research projects


  • Maček, Ivana (2009). Sarajevo under siege: anthropology in wartime. Philadelphia: Penn, University of Pennsylvania Press

A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Transmission and Transformation: Memories of the Siege of Sarajevo

    2018. Ivana Maček. Civilians Under Siege from Sarajevo to Troy, 15-35


    More than 20 years have passed since the Dayton Peace Agreement of 1995 for Bosnia and Hercegovina, which began the end of the four-year-long Siege of Sarajevo. Three-quarters of the pre-war population of Bosnia and Hercegovina, around three million, fled or were driven from their homes, and of these around one million left for ‘third countries’ outside the former Yugoslavia. This brought a complicated and fragile peace for both citizens who stayed in the country and those who found refuge abroad. While some refugees in third countries were obliged to return to Bosnia and Hercegovina after the war (Germany, for instance, had a policy of compulsory return), others, including refugees in Sweden, were left with a choice. Some people returned to their homes; others resettled in territories that were now under the military and administrative control of ‘their’ ethnonational group. The vast majority of refugees in Sweden, however, chose to remain, as they felt that they had better opportunities there than if they were to return to Bosnia and Hercegovina. Chapter 2 provides an anthropological study of the families of people who left Sarajevo for Sweden because of the siege, exploring how living in Sweden shapes the ways the siege is remembered and understood today, and how experiences are transmitted and transformed from one generation to the next.

    Read more about Transmission and Transformation
  • Communicating the Unthinkable: A Psychodynamic Perspective

    2017. Ivana Maček. Memory and Genocide, 107-121


    Experiences of genocide have often an emotionally and intellectually evasive quality which makes them difficult, and sometimes impossible, to share with others. Analyzing documentary films and academic teaching, through psychodynamic concepts of containment, trauma, and memory, two qualitatively different ways of communicating the experience of genocide are found: embodied representation and contained representation. While the first communicates the traumatic or unthinkable content of genocide, the second communicates the non-traumatic or thinkable. The author proposes that any student and scholar of needs to move between the grey opacity of genocide experience, and the clear understanding of embodied and contained representation.

    Read more about Communicating the Unthinkable
  • “It starts to burn a little”: Intergenerational Transmission of Experiences of War within a Bosnian Family in Sweden

    2017. Ivana Maček. Oral History Forum (37)


    This study builds on recent findings that emotions are crucial to the transmission of experiences of mass political violence between generations. In such work, the familial setting, as distinct from the individual psychological domain or collective sociocultural contexts, has been receiving increasing scholarly attention. Drawing on a larger project on the families formed by Bosnians who moved to Sweden during the 1990s war, this article develops a new method to analyze the interfamilial dynamics of communicating meanings. This method combines analysis of the emotions with which participants characterize certain facts – whether in semi-structured interviews or in children’s drawings – with the dynamic reflexivity common to both participant observation and psychotherapy. The analysis demonstrates how certain facts and feelings may be transmitted unchanged, while others become transformed or are lost in the process of intergenerational transmission.

    Read more about “It starts to burn a little”

Show all publications by Ivana Macek at Stockholm University