Jenny LarssonProfessor
Brief biography
- Professor of Baltic Languages
- Docent in Baltic Languages
- 2019 - 2025: PI for the RJ-funded research programme LAMP - Language and Myths of Prehistory
- 2018 Invited fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study
- 2008 - 2013: External researcher on the project “Roots of Europe – Language, Culture and Migrations” (Centre of Excellence), University of Copenhagen.
- 2007 - 2010: Research grant awarded by the Danish Councils for Independent Research within the Elite Research Initiative. Title of project: Noun Formation in the Baltic Languages.
- 2004 - 2007: Research grant awarded by the Carlsberg Foundation. Title of project: Noun Formation in Indo-Iranian.
- Ph.D.-degree at the Dept. of General and Applied Linguistics. Title of dissertation:Studies in Baltic Word Formation (2004)
- M.A. Master of Arts in Historical Linguistics (Baltic specialization), Dept. of General and Applied Linguistics (1999). Language studies included in the degree: Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Vedic, Avestan, Hittite, Old Irish, Old Norse, Old Icelandic, Old Prussian, Old Church Slavic, Gothic.
- B.A. Bachelor of Arts in Historical Linguistics (Lithuanian specialization), Dept. of General and Applied Linguistics (1996)
Lund University
- M.Ed. Master of Education with a Professional Orientation, Dept. of Education (2007)
- 2017: Nominated by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and elected member of AcademiaNet - Outstanding Female Academics.
- 2007: Young Elite Researcher Award, awarded by the Danish Independent Research Councils. (Det Frie Forskningsråds Ung Eliteforskerpris)
- 2002: Young Leaders Fellowship, awarded by the Sasakawa foundation.
- 2000: Award for Excellence, awarded by the FAIES association at UCLA.
- 1999: Awarded the university gold medal by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark for my dissertation.
- 2015-2016 Chair of the Young Academy of Sweden
- 2012: Elected member of the Young Academy of Sweden / Sveriges unga akademi. The academy was established in 2011 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien).
- 2016-2019 The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies / Östersjöstiftelsen
- 2017- Co-chair of Humtank
• Old Lithuanian texts.
• Early Baltic religion.
• Comparative linguistics.
• Sound change and Phonology.
• Baltic and Slavic word formation and nominal compounds.
• Baltic and Slavic accentology.
• Language contact around the Baltic Sea.
Other activities
- Deputy Head of the Department of Baltic languages, Finnish and German at Stockhom University (2010-2014).
- Director of Postgraduate Studies at the Department of Baltic languages, Finnish and German at Stockholm University (2009-2015).
- Co-organizer of the Historical Lingusitics Seminar at Stockholm University:Språkhistoriska seminariet
- Member of the Board of Directors for the Linguistic Society (Språkvetenskapliga föreningen) at Stockholm University.
- Member of the Board of Directors for the Special Doctoral Programme in Language and Linguistics (Forskarskolan i språkvetenskap), Stockholm University.
Science outreach/Public outreach
Populär historia: Yngre stenålder: Bönderna ville äga sin mark
Vetenskaplig talkshow: Vad är vetenskap?
Forskartorget på Bokmässan: På jakt efter språkets ursprung
Vetenskapligt samtal på kulturhuset: Språk. Tankar, ord och emojis
Krönika: Ett brinnande språkintresse
Artikel i Göteborgsposten: Språket kommer från stäppen
Forskarspaning på Vetenskapsfestivalen: Det våras för urspråket
Intervju om att etablera sig som forskare i Sverige
Gästblogg på Vetenskapsrådets nättidning Curie
Intervju: Stockholm ensamt i Skandinavien med fullständig utbildning i baltiska språk
Vetenskapsrådets forskningsöversikter
Stärk kopplingarna mellan humaniora och arbetsmarknad
SCAS Talks: A treasure hunt to find the origin of the Indoeuropean langauges
Curiepodden: Om att spåra språkens ursprung
Akademipodden: Medieval culture and Latin layers of Harry Potter
Forskarpratarna: Var kommer alla språk ifrån?
RadioScience: Ord, varelser och myter i Harry Potter-böckerna
Akademipodden: Om kreativitet
Akademipodden: Semlans historia
Artiklar i Språktidningen