Martin HällstenProfessor of Sociology
About me
I am Professor of Sociology at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) in the level-of-living research group (LNU). My research broadly concerns the generation and consequences of inequality and has mainly been focused on intergenerational inequality processes, educational choice, ethnic inequality, and how social relations convey trust and tolerance.
Working papers
Hällsten, Martin. 2024. The intergenerational transmission of wealth (Handbook chapter). SocArxiv [Link]
Hällsten, Martin and Torngren Wartin, August. 2024. Started From the Bottom, Now We’re (Working) Here: Workplace Segregation by Social Class Origin. SocArxiv [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2023. Sibling Correlations and SES Overlaps in Late-Career Swedes. SocArxiv [Link]
Hermansen, Are Skeie, Andrew Penner, Marta Elvira, Olivier Godechot, Martin Hällsten, Lasse Folke Henriksen, Feng Hou, Zoltán Lippényi, Trond Petersen, Malte Reichelt, Halil Ibrahim Sabanci, Mirna Safi, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, and Erik Vickstrom. 2023. Immigrant–native pay gap driven by lack of access to high-paying jobs. SocArxiv [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2020. Scaling Occupations in Intergenerational Research - An Evaluation with Swedish register data. SocArXiv [Link]
Goldschmidt, Tina, Martin Hällsten, and Jens Rydgren. 2017. "Are They Hunkering Down? Revisiting the Relationship Between Exposure to Ethnic Diversity, Intergroup Contact, and Group Trust." Department of Sociology Working Paper Series No. 30, Stockholm University. [Link]
Brandén, M., Hällsten, M., and Szulkin, R. 2016. The intergenerational transmission of disadvantage: Education and labor market gaps between children of natives and children of immigrants. Department of Sociology Working Paper Series No. 27, Stockholm University. [Link]
Pfeffer, Fabian and Martin Hällsten. 2012. "Mobility Regimes and Parental Wealth: The United States, Germany, and Sweden in Comparison". SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research, No. 500 [Link]
Hällsten, Martin and Ryszard Szulkin (2009). Families, neighborhoods, and the future: The transition to adulthood of children of native and immigrant origin in Sweden. SULCIS Working Paper 2009:9. [Link]
Engzell, Per, and Martin Hällsten. 2024. A Caution on Sibling Comparisons in Studying Effects of the Rearing Environment. Accepted at European Sociological Review. [Link] [Pre-print version]
Hällsten, Martin and Martin Kolk. 2023. The shadow of peasant past: Seven generations of inequality persistence in Northern Sweden. American Journal of Sociology 128(6): 1716-1760. [Link] [Pre-print version]
Andersson, Anton B, Barone, Carlo and Martin Hällsten. 2023. Are upper-secondary track decisions risky? Evidence from Sweden on the assumptions of risk-aversion models. Rationality and Society 35(3): 311-337 [Link] [Pre-print version]
Penner, Andrew M., Trond Petersen, Are Skeie Hermansen, Anthony Rainey, István Boza, Marta M. Elvira, Olivier Godechot, Martin Hällsten, Lasse Folke Henriksen, Feng Hou, Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela, Joe King, Naomi Kodama, Tali Kristal, Alena Křížková, Zoltán Lippényi, Silvia Maja Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Paula Apascaritei, Dustin Avent-Holt, Nina Bandelj, Gergely Hajdu, Jiwook Jung, Andreja Poje, Halil Sabanci, Mirna Safi, Matthew Soener, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, and Zaibu Tufail. 2022. "Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries." Nature Human Behaviour 7: 184–189 (2023) [Link]
Hällsten, Martin and Ryszard Szulkin (2022), “Is the “SES hypothesis” plausible to explain the over-representation of immigrants in crime statistics?” in Andersson, Robert, and Paula Wahlgren (eds.) A Life in Criminology. Festschrift to Jerzy Sarnecki. Uppsala: Iustus förlag. [Pre-print version]
Hällsten, Martin and Meir Yaish. 2022. Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Life Course Economic Trajectories in a Social Democratic Welfare State. European Sociological Review 38(4): 507–526. [Link] [Pre-print version]
Barclay, Kieron and Martin Hällsten. 2022. "Does the impact of parental death vary by parental socioeconomic status? A study of children’s educational and occupational attainment". Journal of Marriage and Family 84(1): 141-164. [Link] [Pre-print version]
Hällsten, Martin and Max Thaning. 2022. "Wealth as one of the “big four” SES dimensions in intergenerational transmissions". Social Forces 100(4): 1533–1560. [Link] [Pre-print version]
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Anthony Rainey, Dustin Avent-Holt, Nina Bandelj, István Boza, David Cort, Olivier Godechot, Gergely Hajdu, Martin Hällsten, Lasse Folke Henriksen, Are Skeie Hermansen, Feng Hou, Jiwook Jung, Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela, Joe King, Naomi Kodama, Tali Kristal, Alena Křížková, Zoltán Lippényi, Silvia Maja Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Andrew Penner, Trond Petersen, Andreja Poje, Mirna Safi, Max Thaning, Zaibu Tufail. 2020. "Rising between-workplace inequalities in high-income countries." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:201918249. [Link]
Thaning, Max, and Martin Hällsten. 2020. "The End of Dominance? Evaluating Measures of Family Background in Stratification Research ". European Sociological Review 36(4): 533-547. [Link] [Pre-print version]
Avent-Holt, Dustin, Martin Hällsten, and David Cort. 2019. "Occupational Status and Organizations: Variation in Occupational Hierarchies across Swedish Workplaces." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility:100423. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin, Christofer Edling, and Jens Rydgren. 2019. "School’s out forever? Heavy metal preferences and higher education." PLOS ONE 14(3):e0213716. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin and Max Thaning. 2018. "Multiple dimensions of social background and horizontal educational attainment in Sweden." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 56: 40-52. [Link]
Barclay, Kieron, Martin Hällsten, and Mikko Myrskylä. 2017. "Birth Order and College Major in Sweden." Social Forces 96:629-660. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin, Christofer Edling, and Jens Rydgren. 2017. "Acculturation and Adaptation for Adolescents of Iranian and Yugoslavian Origins in Sweden". Acta Sociologica 61(2): 163-181. [Link]
Martin Kolk and Martin Hällsten. 2017. "Demographic and Educational Success of Lineages: A Prospective Analysis of the Number of Great Grandchildren and their Education in 19th, 20th and 21st Century Northern Sweden". Population and Development Review 43(3): 491–512. [Link]
Martin Hällsten and Fabian T. Pfeffer. 2017. "Grand Advantage: Family Wealth and Grandchildren’s Educational Achievement in Sweden." American Sociological Review 82:328-360. [Link]
Martin Hällsten. 2017. "Is Education a Risky Investment? The Scarring Effect of University Dropout in Sweden." European Sociological Review 33(2): 169-181. [Open access link]
Rydgren, Jens, Sofi, Dana and Martin Hällsten. 2017. "Divided by memories? Beliefs about the past, Ethnic boundaries, and trust in northern Iraq." Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 9(1): 128-175. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin, Christofer Edling, and Jens Rydgren. 2017. "Social Capital, Friendship Networks, and Youth Unemployment." Social Science Research, 61, 234-250. [Link]
Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald, Martin Hällsten, and Dustin Avent-Holt. 2015. "Where Do Immigrants Fare Worse? Modeling Workplace Wage Gap Variation with Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data." American Journal of Sociology 120:1095-1143. [Link]
- Honorable Mention, W. Richard Scott Award of the ASA Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work.
Hällsten, Martin, Christofer Edling, and Jens Rydgren. 2015. "The effects of specific occupations in position generator measures of social capital." Social Networks 40:55-63. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2014. "Inequality across Three and Four Generations in Egalitarian Sweden: 1st and 2nd Cousin Correlations in Socio-economic Outcomes." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 35: 19-33. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2013. "The Class-Origin Wage Gap: Heterogeneity in Education and Variations across Market Segments." British Journal of Sociology 64(4): 662–690. [Link]
Rydgren, Jens, Sofi, Dana and Martin Hällsten. 2013. "Interethnic Friendship, Trust, and Tolerance: Findings from Two North Iraqi Cities." American Journal of Sociology 118(6):1650-94. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin, Ryszard Szulkin and Jerzy Sarnecki. 2013. "Crime as a Price of Inequality? The Delinquency Gap between Children of Immigrants and Children of Native Swedes." British Journal of Criminology 53(3):456-481. [Link]
Erikson, Robert, Goldthorpe, John H. and Martin Hällsten. 2012. "No way back up from ratcheting down? A critique of the ‘microclass’ approach to the analysis of social mobility" Acta Sociologica 55(3):211-229. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2012. "Is It Ever Too Late to Study? The Economic Returns on Late Tertiary Degrees in Sweden." Economics of Education Review 31(1):179-194. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2011. "Late Entry in Swedish Tertiary Education: Can the Opportunity of Lifelong Learning Promote Equality Over the Life Course?" British Journal of Industrial Relations 49(3):537-559. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2010. "The Structure of Educational Decision-Making and Consequences for Inequality: A Swedish Test Case." American Journal of Sociology 116:806-54. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin, Tomas Korpi, and Michael Tåhlin. 2010. "Globalization and Uncertainty. Earnings Volatility in Sweden, 1985-2003." Industrial Relations 49:165-189. [Link]
Sandström, Ulf, and Martin Hällsten. 2008. "Persistent nepotism in peer-review." Scientometrics 74:175-189. [Link] [Errata]
Hällsten, Martin. 2022. Skev diskussion om politiserad forskning i ESO-rapport. Ekonomisk Debatt 1/2022, p. 71-72. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2021. "The Scaling of Occupations." The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2018. Book review of Jani Erola and Elina Kilpi-Jakonen (eds.): Social Inequality Across the Generations: The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation", European Journal of Population. [Link]
Hällsten, Martin. 2010. Essays on Social Reproduction and Lifelong Learning. Swedish Institute for Social Research 80, Stockholm University. [Dissertation] [Link]
No current teaching. I have recently taught at the Department of Sociology: Basic Sociology PAO (PEPAO1-PAO6), Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2 (S07033), Systematic Reviews (SO7200), and Causal Inference (SO7431).
Research projects
Professor of Sociology