Mark Klamberg
About me
Dr. Mark Klamberg (Jur. Dr. Stockholm University, LL.M. Raoul Wallenberg Institute and Jur. Kand. Lund University) is Professor and the head of subject for public international law at Stockholm University.
Klamberg has the following affiliations and appointments: deputy director of the Stockholm Centre for International Law and Justice (SCILJ), scholar-in-residence at the School of International Service (SIS), American University, Washington D.C, Senior Fellow, Carter School of Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University, Arlington, nonresident Senior Fellow with the Atlantic Council, Washington D.C., expert to the Consultative Council at the National School of Judges of Ukraine to which he gives advice on domestic war crimes trials, available as an expert for OSCE ad hoc missions as part of its human dimensions mechanis (also known as the Moscow mechanism), board member for the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund and he acts as a consultant for the Defence in the Al-Hassan case (The International Criminal Court in the Hague).
He has been an Associate Professor at Uppsala University (2013-2015) and post doc at the University of Oxford, Institute for European and Comparative Law (2018-2019), member of the Senior Common Room, Christ Church.
He is frequently consulted by media, he has appeared in interviews with New York Times, Der Spiegel, BBC, Le Monde, Libération, Reuters, New York Review of Books, The Register, El Pais, Sanomat, SVT, TV4, SvD, SR and Dagens Nyheter.
Klamberg has also contributed to Government commissioned inquiries, drafting of consultation responses and expert testimony and consultancy in relation to trials in Sweden and at the International Criminal Court (ICC).
He is the author of several publications on international criminal law, surveillance, privacy and other fields of international law, including ‘Evidence in International Criminal Trials: Confronting Legal Gaps and the Reconstruction of Disputed Events’ (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013), ‘Power and Law in the International Society - International Relations as the Sociology of International Law’ (Routledge, 2015) and co-author of the leading textbook on public international law in Sweden: ‘Sverige och folkrätten’ (Norstedts Juridik, 2020). He is the chief editor of the ‘Commentary on the Law of the ICC’ (CLICC). He has also published articles in International Criminal Law Review, Georgetown Journal of International Law, Journal of International Criminal Justice, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Nordic Journal of International Law, George Washington International Law Review, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law and book sections published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and Oxford University Press.
Teaching Stockholms University
Course supervisor and lecturer public international law (5th semester law programme)
Course supervisor and lecturer advanced course 'International Criminal Law' (8th semester law programme and exchange students)
Tutor final thesis (9th semester law programme)
Course supervisor and lecturer course for PhD students 'Socio-legal and empirical legal methods'
Previous teaching at Uppsala University
Master human rights, 2013-2015
Master International Humanitarian Action (NOHA- Network on Humanitarian Action), 2013-2015
Master Euroculture, 2013-2015
Public international law (6th semester law programme), 2013-2015
Teaching at other universities
Edinburgh Law School, LLM International Criminal Law, 2014-2023
University of Oxford, Mansfield College, tutor, 2023
University of Oxford, Wycliffe Hall, tutor (supervision of thesis work), 2019
Queen Mary University of London, postgraduate course in International Criminal Law, 2015
Scholarly publications
68. Commentary on the Law of the ICC: The Rules of Procedure and Evidence, chief editor and author of several comments, with Jonas Nilsson and Antonio Angotti, TOAEP, 2023, 977 pages Full text
67. Commentary on the Law of the ICC: The Statute, vol. I-II, chief editor and author of several comments, with Jonas Nilsson and Antonio Angotti, TOAEP, 2nd edition, 2023, 2 219 pages, Full text vol I & vol II
66. Regulatory Choices at the Advent of Gig Warfare, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 2023 Full text
65. Assessment of Evidence: International Criminal Courts and Tribunals, Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law [MPIL] / Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law [MPEiPro], Oxford Public International Law, 2023 Link
64. The Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Next Steps for Empirical and Normative Research, with Jonas Tallberg, Eva Erman, Markus Furendal, Johannes Geith, and Magnus Lundgren, International Studies Review, Volume 25, Issue 3, 2023 Link
63. Svensk domstol är behörig att pröva mål om folkrättsbrott i Sudan, JP Infonet, 2022 Full text
62. Selective Attention: The United Nations Security Council and Armed Conflict with Magnus Lundgren, British Journal of Political Science, 2022
61. Security Council Resolutions and the Double Function of Explanation of Votes, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, volume 55, 2022, 919-952
60. Nordic perspectives on international criminal law and international humanitarian law, in Mikkel Jarle Christensen, Kjersti Lohne, Magnus Hörnqvist (eds.) Nordic Criminal Justice in a Global Context Practices and Promotion of Exceptionalism, 59-76. Routledge, 2022.
59. Prosecuting Corporate Executives for War Crimes in Sudan, New York University Journal of International Law and Policy, volume 54, number 3, 2022, 887-939. Full text
58. Initial Appearance Hearings, Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law [MPIL] / Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law [MPEiPro], Oxford Public International Law, 2022
57. Public Prosecutor v Haisam Omar Sakhanh, Judgment, B 3787-16, ILDC 3154 (SE 2017), ILDC Annotated Headnote, Oxford University Press, 2021
56. Emergency Powers in Response to COVID-19: Policy Diffusion, Democracy, and Preparedness, with Magnus Lundgren, Karin Sundström and Julia Dahlqvist, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 2021 (forthcoming). SSRN
55. International Human Rights Law and States of Emergency, in Damien Rogers (Ed.) ”International Human Rights in War”, Springer, 2021. Link
54. Reconstructing the Notion of State of Emergency, George Washington International Law Review, volume 52, number 1, 2021, 53-97. Full text
53. Skydd enligt Europakonventionen om mänskliga rättigheter; Skydd enligt Europeiska Unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna; Personuppgiftsbehandling inom brottsbekämpning och försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet, in Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg (Ed.) Rättsinformatik: juridiken i det digitala informationssamhället, Studentlitteratur, Fourth Edition, 2021, 184-191, 242-268.
52. Sverige och folkrätten, co-authored with Ove Bring, Said Mahmoudi and Pål Wrange, Norstedts Juridik, Sixth edition, 2020. Link
51. Rebels, the Vanquished, Rogue States and Scapegoats in the Crosshairs: Hegemony in International Criminal Justice in Bergsmo (ed.) Power in International Criminal Justice: Towards a Sociology of International Justice, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, 2020. Full text
50. Evidentiary Matters in the Context of Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes in Sweden: Admissibility, Digital Evidence and Judicial Notice, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Volume 66, 2020, 367-383. Full text
49. Swedish Case Law on the Contextual Elements Relating to War Crimes, with Anna Andersson, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Volume 66, 2020, 217-244. Full text
48. The Evolution of Swedish Legislation on International Crimes, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Volume 66, 2020, 205-215. Full text
47. Jurisdiction and Immunities in Sweden When Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes, with Dennis Martinsson, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Volume 66, 2020, 51-76. Full text
46. Trials in Sweden, Participants in the Proceedings and other Actors, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Volume 66, 2020, 27-39. Full text
45. Foreword, Scandinavian Studies in Law, Volume 66, 2020. Full text
44. Lagföring av internationella brott i Sverige, (editor and author), Jure, 2020. Link
43. Epistemological Controversies in International Criminal Justice in Heller, Mégret, Nouwen, Ohlin, Robinson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Oxford University Press, 2020, 450-472. Link
42. Raphaël Lemkin in Stockholm – Significance for his Work on “Axis Rule in Occupied Europe”, Genocide Studies and Prevention, vol. 13(1), 2019, 64-87. Full text
41. Skydd enligt Europakonventionen om mänskliga rättigheter; Skydd enligt Europeiska Unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna; Personuppgiftsbehandling inom brottsbekämpning och försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet, in Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg (Ed.) Rättsinformatik: juridiken i det digitala informationssamhället, Studentlitteratur, Third Edition, 2018, 164-170, 214-238.
40. Evolution of Rules and Concepts in International Humanitarian Law: Navigating through Legal Gaps and Fault-lines in Deland, Klamberg and Wrange (eds.) International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, Routledge 2018, 79-84.
39. Lemkin on Vandalism and the Protection of Cultural Works during Armed Conflict in Deland, Klamberg and Wrange (eds.) International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, Routledge 2018, 183-196.
38. Introduction with Mats Deland and Pål Wrange in Deland, Klamberg and Wrange (eds.) International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, Routledge 2018, 1-6.
37. The Legality of Rebel Courts During Non-international Armed Conflict, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 16, Number 1, 2018, 639-733. Full text
36. The Gatekeeper of the ICC - Prosecutorial Strategies for Selecting Situations and Cases at the International Criminal Court with Lovisa Bådagård, Georgetown Journal of International Law, vol. 48(5), 2017 Full text
35. Legal Indeterminacy in the Modern Battlefield - Exploiting Thresholds, Fault-Lines and Gaps, in Research Handbook on Remote Warfare, Jens David Ohlin (Ed.), Edward Elgar Press, Cheltenham. 2017
34. Commentary on the Law of the ICC, chief editor and author of several comments, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, 2017, 819 pages Full text
33. Skydd enligt Europakonventionen om mänskliga rättigheter; Skydd enligt Europeiska Unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna; Personuppgiftsbehandling inom brottsbekämpning och försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet, in Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg (Ed.) Rättsinformatik: juridiken i det digitala informationssamhället, Studentlitteratur, Second Edition, 2016, 168-174, 220-243.
32. Överföring av personuppgifter till tredje land: Safe Harbor, 2016, Juridisk Tidskrift, 2015-16 Nr 4, 782-797.
31. Recension av Ulf Lundqvist, Laga och rättvis rättegång – Om bevisförbud i rättspraxis, Juridisk Tidskrift, 2015-16 Nr 4, 986-991.
30. Power and Law in the International Society - International Relations as the Sociology of International Law, 182 pages, Routledge, 2015 (hardcover), 2016 (paperback) peer review
29. Personuppgiftsbehandling inom brottsbekämpning och försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet, in Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg (Ed.) Rättsinformatik – juridiken i det digitala informationssamhället, 204-227, Studentlitteratur, 2015
28. The Alternative Hypothesis Method, Robustness and International Criminal Justice, Yvonne McDermott (Ed.), Proof in International Criminal Trials, Journal of International Criminal Justice, vol. 13(3), 2015, 535-553 peer review
27. Recharacterization of Charges in International Criminal Trials, in Katrin Lainpelto, Simon Andersson (Eds,), Festskrift till Christian Diesen, Norstedts Juridik, 2014, 327-345
26. International Law in the Age of Asymmetrical Warfare, Virtual Cockpits and Autonomous Robots, in Jonas Ebbesson, Marie Jacobsson, Mark Klamberg, David Langlet, Pål Wrange (Eds.), International Law and Changing Perceptions of Security: Liber Amicorum Said Mahmoudi, Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014, 152-170 peer review
25. General Requirements for the Admission of Evidence and Prosecution Access to the Defence Material, in Håkan Friman, Suzannah Linton, Göran Sluiter, Sergey Vasiliev and Salvatore Zappalà (editors), International Criminal Procedure: Principles and Rules, 1017-1043 and 1099-1107, Oxford University Press, 2013 peer review
24. Evidence in International Criminal Trials: Confronting Legal Gaps and the Reconstruction of Disputed Events, 580 pages, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2013 peer review
23. Article 64 Functions and powers of the Trial Chamber in Paul De Hert, Jean Flamme, Olivia Struyven, Code of International Criminal Law and Procedure, annotated, 280-283, Larcier Wetboeken, 2013
22. Changing regulation strategies and the teaching-learning environment of the law programme at Stockholm University, Juridisk Tidskrift, 2013-14 Nr 1, 205-217
21. A Paradigm Shift in Swedish Electronic Surveillance Law, in Christina Akrivopoulou and Nicolaos Garipidis, (Ed.) Digital Democracy and the Impact of Technology on Governance and Politics: New Globalized Practices, Hershey: IGI Global, 2013
20. Sedelmayer v Russian Federation in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (Eds.), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, 2012
19. Bostadsrättsföreningen Villagatan 13 v Belgium in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (Eds.), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, 2012
18. Unification or Fragmentation? Structural Tendencies in International Criminal Procedure in Larissa van den Herik; Carsten Stahn, The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law, 593-631, Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012
17. Gränsdragningsproblem mellan utlänningslagen och svensk straffrätt beträffande internationella brott, Juridisk Tidskrift, 2012-13 Nr 2
16. The Chilling Effect of Counter-Terrorism Measures: A Comparative Analysis of Electronic Surveillance Laws in Europe and the USA, co-authored with Elisabeth Fura, Liber Amicorum to Sir Nicolas Bratza, Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2012, 463-481
15. Evidence in International Criminal Procedure - Confronting Legal Gaps and the Reconstruction of Disputed Events, 502 pages, Juridiska Institutionen, Stockolms Universitet, 2012
14. Utomrättslig avrättning eller legitim krigföring?, Utrikespolitiska Institutet, Internationella studier, Nr 4, 2012, 49-51
13 Folkmordsbegreppet och Operation Anfal, Forum för Levande Historia, 2012,
12. The Concept of Genocide and the Anfal Campaign, Forum för Levande Historia, 2012,
11. What are the Objectives of International Criminal Procedure? in Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol. 79, No.2 (2010) 279-302 peer review
10. Crimes Against Humanity in Western Sahara: The Case Against Morocco, Juridisk Publikation, 2 (2010) 175-199
9. Capri Marine Limited v Prosecutor General in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (Eds.), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, 2009
8. FRA and the European Convention on Human Rights - A Paradigm Shift in Swedish Electronic Surveillance Law, Nordisk Årsbok i Rättsinformatik 2009, 96-134
7. FRA:s signalspaning ur ett rättsligt perspektiv, Svensk Juristtidning 4/2009, 519-541
6. International Criminal Law in Swedish Courts: The Principle of Legality in the Arklöv Case, International Criminal Law Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 2009, 395-409
5. Public Prosecutor (on behalf of Behram (Hussein) and others) v Arklöf (Jackie) in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (Eds.), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, 2008
4. Individual Responsibility for Crimes Under International Law: The UN ad hoc Tribunals and the International Criminal Court, with Reinhold Gallmetzer, The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, 2007, 60-77
3. Fråga om tillämpning av legalitetsprincipen beträffande folkrättsbrott, Juridisk Tidskrift 2007-08 Number 1, 130-139
2. Irak – mellan kaos och normalisering, Nationalencyklopedins årsbok 2004, 260-263
1. Det nya Irak, Nationalencyklopedins årsbok 2003, 259-261