Stockholm university

Naima ChahbounResearcher

About me

Naima Chahboun is a researcher at the Department of Political Science. Her research interests include methods in political theory, the relation between facts and norms, feasibility constraints in political theory, ideal vs. nonideal theory, and responses to predictable noncompliance.


Political theory

Qualitative methods

Human rights

The study of democracy

The politics of equality

Bachelor's thesis supervision


PhD Thesis

Chahboun, N. (2020) Art of the Possible? Feasibility and Compliance in Ideal and Nonideal Theory, Stockholm Studies in Politics 191, Stockholm University

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Chahboun, N. "The Limits of Nonideal Duties: A Partial Vindication of Fair Shares", Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, epub ahead of print 2024-02-02,

Chahboun, N. (2024) “The Moral Benefits of Coercion: A Defense of Ideal Statism”, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Vol.23, No.1, pp.47-66,

Chahboun, N. (2019) “Ideal Theory and Action-Guidance: Why We Still Disagree”, Social Theory and Practice, Vol.45, No.4, pp.549-578

Chahboun, N. (2017) “Three Feasibility Constraints on the Concept of Justice”, Res publica, Vol.23, No.4, pp.431-452

Chahboun, N. (2015) “Nonideal Theory and Compliance – A Clarification”, European Journal of Political Theory, Vol.14, No.2, pp.229- 245

Research projects

2024-2027 Trade-offs in Demand-side Climate Mitigation: Political Feasibility, Justice and Legitimacy. Reserach project funded by Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg foundation.

2022-23 Slack-taking as Effective Rights Protection: The Cases of Refugee Admission and Climate Mitigation. Postdoctoral project funded by Ahlström Terserus foundation.

Visiting scholarship

2015 (Feb-May) Visiting research fellow, Brown University, U.S. Sponsor: Prof. David Estlund

Public appearance

2019 Political science podcast “Aning”, episode 58: Feasibility

Grants and scholarships

2023 Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse 

2022-23 Anna Ahlström och Ellen Terserus stiftelse

2019 Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse

2019 Widar Bagges stiftelse

2019 Stiftelsen Siamon

2014 Helge Ax:on Jonssons stiftelse

2014 Elisabeth och Herman Rhodins minnesfond

Peer reviewer experience

Peer reviewer for, e.g., Journal of Applied Philosophy, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of Political Theory, Social Theory and Practice, Res Publica.



Research projects