Stockholm university

Robin Gålnander


Theoretical Perspectives, Criminology II.

Victimology, Criminology II.

Qualitative Research Methods, Criminology III.

Supervising BA theses, Criminology III.

Crime Across the Life Ccourse, Master's Program.

Qualitative Methods, Master's Program.


Area of research: Women’s desistance from crime.

In focal concern for my research project is women’s desistance from crime. The project applies a longitudinal scope. Drawing on repeated and prospective qualitative interviews with desisting women, the aim is to investigate women’s pathways out of crime and contribute to the empirical and theoretical understanding of women’s desistance.

Visting Fellow

  • 2018, Jan-Aug at the Centre for Criminological Research, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.


Gålnander, R. (2023). ”Jag har bara dåliga erfarenheter” − Heterosexuella parrelationers betydelser för kvinnor som lämnar kriminalitet och missbruk. In: Holmström, C., de Cabo, A. & Ouis, P. (Eds.). Perspektiv på sexualitet i socialt arbete. Stockholm: Liber.

Gålnander, R. (2023). ‘The Anxiety of a Lifetime’—Dealing with Debt in Desistance from Crime. The British Journal of Criminology. Online first, DOI:

Gålnander, R. & Österman, L. (2022). A Darker Tale of Exceptionalism: How Punitive Drug Policies Impact Women’s Experiences of Desistance in Sweden. In: Masson, I. & Booth, N. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Women’s Experiences of Criminal Justice. New York: Routledge.

Gålnander, R. (2022). The Lonely Road to Reform: On the Detriments of Loneliness in Women’s Desistance from Crime. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab. Vol. 109, no 1, pp. 193-200.

Gålnander, R. (2020). Maintaining Desistance: Barriers and Expectations in Women's Desistance from Crime. Dissertation. Department of Criminology, Stockholm university.

Fredriksson, T. & Gålnander, R. (2020). "Fearful futures and haunting histories in women’s desistance from crime: A longitudinal study of desistance as an uncanny process"Criminology. Online first, DOI:

Gålnander, R. (2020). "Shark in the Fish Tank" Secrets and Stigma in Relational Desistance from CrimeBritish Journal of Criminology. Volume 60, Issue 5, pp. 1302–1319, DOI:

Gålnander, R. (2019). "Desistance From Crime - to What? Exploring Future Aspirations and Their Implications for Processes of Desistance". Feminist Criminology. Vol 15, no. 3, pp. 255-277.  DOI:

Gålnander, R. (2019). "Being Willing but Not Able: Echoes of Intimate Partner Violence as a Hindrance in Women’s Desistance from Crime". Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 437-460.

Gålnander, R. (2018). “’Nej men då skiter jag i det här’ Om strukturella barriärer, fatalism och handlingsutrymme i tidiga stadier av upphörande med brott”. Paper presented at The Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology (NSfK), Helsinki, Finland, May 2018. Pp. 93-98. 

Gålnander, R. (2016). “Twisting and Turning Desistance from Crime: A Qualitative Approach to the Understanding of Women's Transitions out of Crime”. Paper presented at The Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology (NSfK), Bifröst, Iceland, May 2016. Pp. 154-162.

Research projects