Stockholm university

Dissertation Denis Tajic

Thesis defence

Date: Friday 28 October 2022

Time: 13.00 – 16.00

Location: Buv 110/Aula, Svante Arrheniusväg 21A

Between policy and practise - A study of newly arrived migrant students pedagogical and social inclusion in school.

Denis Tajic defends his doctoral thesis: "Between policy and practise - A study of newly arrived migrant students pedagogical and social inclusion in school".

Denis Tajic
Foto: Rickard Kihlström

Main supervisor: Nihad Bunar

Supervisor: Anna Lund, Mirjan Hagström

Opponent: Johannes Lunneblad, Professor, University of Gothenburg

Department of Child and Youth studies

The dissertation will also be sent as a webinar, click here to join the webinar. (in Swedish).

Link to the doctoral thesis (in Swedish).

Read more about the research (in Swedish).