Stockholm university

Dissertation Hanna Bornäs

Thesis defence

Date: Friday 2 December 2022

Time: 13.00 – 16.00

Location: BUV 110/Aula, Svante Arrheniusväg 21A

Subjects of Violence: On Gender and Recognition in Young Men’s Violence Against Women.

Hanna Bornäs defends her doctoral thesis: Subjects of Violence: On Gender and Recognition in Young Men’s Violence Against Women.

The thesis examines men who have used violence against a female partner in their youth and is based on qualitative interviews that are analyzed based on a feminist psychosocial framework.

Hanna Bornäs. Foto: privat

Main supervisor: Lucas Gottzén

Supervisor: Rickard Jonsson, Gunnar Karlsson

Opponent: David Gadd, Professor of Criminology, University of Manchester

Child and Youth Studies