Stockholm university

The voices of Global South countries on Russia's invasion of Ukraine


Date: Friday 24 February 2023

Time: 09.20 – 16.45

Location: Online*

One year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine which affected the whole world, a few conferences have been held on the attitudes of countries that belong to the Global South. Their perception of the conflict needs to be analyzed in order to have a better understanding on the geopolitical consequences of the conflict.

Heads of State at the Cancun North-South Economic Summit of 1981 at the Cancun Sheraton Hotel Beach
Heads of State at the Cancun North-South Economic Summit of 1981 at the Cancun Sheraton Hotel Beach. Foto: Michael Evans, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

During Spring 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, a network of researchers emerged to take a comparative interest in the political effects of this crisis which affected the whole world from a joint initiative of Jean-Michel De Waele and Laurent Sermet. The network focuses on the issues of power and society with activities made in French. The Department of Romance Studies and Classics cooperates in this network in order to deepen the interpretation of cultural and social phenomena in the Francophone world.

*To register for having the Zoom link, contact Jean-Michel De Waele

The conference will be held in French


Programme Webinaire 24 fevrier 2023 (163 Kb)

To see some former achievements of the Posoc 19 network, see:

Comparer les expertises

Reconstruire le consensus politique en situation d’urgence: le modèle suédois à l’épreuve de la pandémie

Reconstruire le consensus politique en situation d’urgence: le modèle suédois à l’épreuve de la pandémie