Research group GARN - Gambling Research Network
GARN (Gambling Research Network) was formed in 2012 with the purpose to develop a meeting place for both new and more experienced researchers within the gambling field in Sweden.
The activities within GARN have been focused on developing cooperation between different research environments as well as promoting and encouraging ongoing and new gambling research.
GARN aim to organize a two-day networking meetings once a year. The meetings will include scientific presentations held by network members and invited speakers, discussions on methodology, prevention, regulation, and ongoing research within the network, common research applications and study visits.
GARN is financed by Forte (2018-01658).
Group description
The network is open to anyone who conducts research where gambling is seen as a social, cultural and/or psychological phenomenon, or investigates the pros and cons of gambling for society as a whole and/or for the individual. An important principle of GARN is the independence from companies and organizations with financial interests in the gambling sector.