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Policy Analysis in Labor Economics

Course within the Masterprogramme in Economics.

This course deals with the analysis of economic policy measures. Two fundamental questions run like a thread through the course: (i) What market failure is a given measure meant to correct? (ii) What effect did the measure have? These two questions are analysed in the context of various applications. The applications cover many policy areas. Examples include education policy, labour policy, and the design of tax and social security systems.

  • Course structure

    This is a 7.5 credit course.

    Course material will be available through the learning platform Athena during the course.

    Teaching format

    Instruction is give in the form of lectures. Instruction is largely based on the articles listed on the coursewebsite. In the end of the course, the students will present drafts of their own essays (so-called term papers).The language of instruction is English.


    The course is examined on the basis of a written examination and a written assignment (term paper).


    Examiner: Peter Nilsson

    Course directors: Joonas Tuhkuri and Peter Nilsson

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    There is no traditional textbook. The course material will be based on journal articles; the reading list is available at the course-site on Athena. Each class typically emphasizes two papers. These papers will also be the "required reading" for the course. In-depth knowledge of the required reading list is key to pass the exam.

  • Contact

    Course administrator and International coordinator
    Academic advisor and teacher
    Director of studies bachelor's and master's level