Master programme in Latin American Studies
The Master's program in Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary program that provides in-depth knowledge of the region's economic, social, legal and political conditions from a perspective that emphasizes the importance of knowledge of the history, language and culture for understanding the social processes. The Program highlights the importance of seeing Latin America in a global perspective, and to understand the region based on its interaction with the rest of the world. In addition to the study of Latin America as a whole the opportunity will be given to focus on individual themes and geographical areas of the continent on the basis of their specific dynamics. Social and cultural theories are studied and applied on cases from region. The program includes four semesters of full-time study, and consists of compulsory and elective courses, including at least 75 credits within the main field of Latin American Studies. Required courses outside the main area are Scientific Methods and Research (7.5 credits) and Advanced Academic English (7.5 credits). The possibility exists for field work or studies abroad as the student can choose to take the optional courses during the third semester at another university. On the fourth semester a thesis of 30 credits will be written in Latin American Studies. All teaching and assessment exercises in Latin American Studies will be in English. Fluency in Spanish or Portuguese is recommended. The program prepares students for work in international organizations, governance, aid work, business, research and development projects, as well as media and journalism, which requires in-depth knowledge of Latin America.