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Master's Programme in Global Media Studies

Engage with current and relevant theory and research involving media in the processes of cultural, political, and economic globalization and acquire ethnicity, class, and gender perspectives on media in this popular international master’s programme

Information for admitted students autumn 2024

Congratulations! You have been admitted at Stockholm University and we hope that you will enjoy your studies with us.

In order to ensure that your studies begin as smoothly as possible we have compiled a short checklist for the beginning of the semester.

Follow the instructions on whether you have to reply to your offer or not.


Checklist for admitted students

  1. Activate your university account

    The first step in being able to register and gain access to all the university's IT services.

  2. Register at your department

    Registration can be done in different ways. Read the instructions from your department below.

  3. Read all the information on this page

    Here you will find what you need to know before your course or programme starts.


Your seat may be withdrawn if you do not register according to the instructions provided by your department.

Information from the department - programmes

Welcome to the Department of Media Studies!

Dear student, via the link below you find information regarding registration and other practical concerns such as waiting list, conditionally admitted and more.

Timetable semester start Fall 2024

August 6: Welcome emails start being sent out from us to those admitted - to the email address you used when you applied for the course/programme at

August 6 - 26: Online registration for all courses (unless otherwise stated in the welcome email). NOTE: To keep your place, you must register online, unless otherwise noted. The welcome email contains all the information you need for online registration.

Week 34, 2024: from this date, reserves can be accepted. You will be contacted via email and will have to respond quickly to accept your place.

September 2: Start of the Fall semester.


Registration - How to:

New student


Read more on the department website

Welcome activities

Stockholm University organises a series of welcome activities that stretch over a few weeks at the beginning of each semester. The programme is voluntary (attendance is optional) and includes Arrival Service at the airport and an Orientation Day, see more details about these events below.
Your department may also organise activities for welcoming international students. More information will be provided by your specific department. 

Find your way on campus

Stockholm University's main campus is in the Frescati area, north of the city centre. While most of our departments and offices are located here, there are also campus areas in other parts of the city.

Find your way on campus

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New student

During your studies

Student unions

For new international students

Pre-departure information

New in Sweden

The Master’s Programme in Global Media Studies is an international and research-oriented study programme attracting students from all over the world. The global intake results in a diverse learning environment in which students' own experiences and backgrounds contribute to social, critical, and intellectual exchanges beyond lectures and seminars.

Studies within the Programme are closely linked to current research at the Department, which has several leading research environments and an active academic scene with many visiting scholars, guest professors, and open lectures that add opportunities to network and stay up to date with current topics and new research findings.

  • Programme overview

    The first semester introduces students to the field of Global Media Studies, and how class, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality is represented in media content. A solid scientific foundation is laid for the duration of the Programme through a closer look at what science is and how knowledge is produced - both from a general philosophical viewpoint, and in the field of Media Studies. Students learn to identify, evaluate, and reflect upon the use of different methods in media research and critically evaluate findings in academic texts.

    The second semester allow students to specialize through a number of electives within Media Studies and other related fields of study. 2-4 electives are offered every spring addressing current topics, and studies at other departments or at our partner universities is possible during this semester.

    The third semester is designed to help students build skills in Academic English and research design, to learn about different methodologies and test different methods for the upcoming thesis. One final elective or specialization course is also offered.

    The last semester is fully devoted to a capstone in the form of a master’s thesis (dissertation), in which students, with guidance and supervision, identify one or several research questions, carry out empirical research and present their findings in a final seminar.

    Overview in graphics

    Overview HMKGM from Fall21 (1063 Kb)

    Year 1

    Semester 1

    Introduction to Global Media Studies (7.5 hp)

    Mediatized Intersections: class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality (7.5 hp)

    Methodology I (7.5 hp)

    Scientific Methods and Research Ethics (Faculty Course 7.5 hp) External Dep. at SU 

    Semester 2

    Combination of 2-4 specialization courses in Media and Communication Studies and elective courses from other departments at Stockholm University.

    • Studies abroad is possible with some restrictions during this semester. Contact International Coordinator at the Department.


    Year 2

    Semester 3

    Methodology II (7.5 hp)

    Method Project (7.5 hp)

    English for Academic Research (Faculty Course 7.5 hp) External Dep. SU

    Specialization Course in Media and Communication Studies Make sure the main subject is Media and Communication Studies

    Semester 4

    Media and Communication Studies - Master's course (MK7030)

    Independent project

    During Semester 4

    Master's Thesis (30 hp)

  • How to apply

    You apply online and upload requiered documents, nothing to be sent to us via regular mail.

    What you need to have uploaded and in order

    (templates you find under Required supporting documentation)

    International applicant Swedish applicant
    Letter of Intent Letter of Intent
    Extended Abstract Extended Abstract
    Degree Certificate Check your merits are in order - and
    Transcript of Records  
    Proof of English Skill  


    Below is described what you need to do and check but basically it comes down to three steps:

    1. Read the section How to apply
    2. Make sure your documents are in order - fill in the forms. See under Required supporting documentation below
    3. Apply and upload at or

    When to Apply

    1st round: All applicants: ca October 15 - January 15
    2nd round: EU/EEA and Swiss citizens only: ca March 15 - April 15

    Admission Results

    1st round: Early April
    2nd round: Mid-July


    Selection process

    Additional eligibility criteria

    Am I Eligible?

    Information about entry requirements
    A broad and general theoretical understanding of the role of media in society, politics, and culture acquired through academic studies is necessary to follow this Programme.
    Degree Requirements:

    •     B.A. in Media and Communication Studies (or similar)
    •     Minimum 15 credit BA-thesis in Media and Communication Studies (or similar) as part of B.A.-degree

    Language Requirements

    In addition to a relevant degree, applicants need to fulfil the requirements for English B/6. Please see for details on how to fulfil the English language requirements.



    If the number of applicants exceed the number of seats, applicants will be ranked. Applicants will be selected based on the quality of their previous academic studies, dissertation project or sample of written academic work, Letter of Intent. All parts will be considered and weighed together into a comprehensive assessment of the applicant’s merits.

    1. The quality of the submitted text in regards to scientific writing, theoretical and empirical knowledge and the relevance of the research topic for the field of Media and Communication Studies.
    2. The combination of courses in different (or same) subjects included in the Bachelor’s degree and performances in these courses (grades). Of special significance are courses in Media and Communication Studies, if the major of the undergraduate degree is another subject or discipline than Media and Communication Studies.
    3. Letter of Intent

    Required supporting documentation

    Dear applicant, We use online application procedures. That means you have to upload the supporting documents as specified below. Do not send us documents via e-mail or regular mail. Thank you.


    All Applicants

    Make sure you include these two forms in your application!

    1. Letter of Intent in English use the template:-  Letter of Intent template (138 Kb)
    2. and upload to 
    3. An extended abstract of your undergraduate thesis or equivalent academic research paper in English use the template:- Extended Abstract template (137 Kb)
    4. and upload to 

    Applicants with Foreign Study Merits

    Applicants with Foreign Study Merits must upload following documents

    1. Bachelor's degree certificate/diploma and transcripts from your undergraduate studies - instructions at >>
    2. Proof of English language skills - instructions at >>

    Applicants with Swedish Study Merits

    Most applicants with Swedish study merits (svensk gymnasieskola, högskola och universitet etc.) will have their merits retrieved automatically. Older merits may need to be submitted by post. Please review your merits and read more about how your merits are retrieved at


    Templates Mandatory Documents

    Extended Abstract template (137 Kb)

    Letter of Intent template (138 Kb)

  • More information

    FAQ Master’s Programme in Global Media Studies

    Check this list of Q & A

    Master’s Programme in Global Media Studies FAQ

        Am I eligible? Will I be admitted?
        We can unfortunately not give a straight answer to this question. Please see under "How to apply/Selection"
        How much is the tuition fee? 
        There are no tuition fees for EU/EEA and Swiss citizens. Other applicants can find the fee of any course/program in our course catalogue by clicking on the text: "Tuition fees only concern citizens outside the EU, EES and Switzerland"
        When is the application deadline? 
        All applicants: January 15. EU/EEA/Swiss applicants only: April 15. Deadlines are repeated every year.
        There are two application codes at the university admissions website - which one do I use and are they for the same program? 
        Yes, they are for the same program, but for different application periods and applicants. Only one is open at any given time.
        Is the Program taught in English?
        Yes, all advanced level (graduate courses) in Media and Communication Studies, including courses offered within the Master's Program are given exclusively in English. No knowledge in Swedish is necessary. 
        My thesis is not written in English, do I have to translate it? 
        Yes please, translate a 2-page abstract/ summary into English. Use our template.
        What should the Letter of Intent include? 
        Instructions are provided in the template
        If I have a letter of recommendation, where do I send it? 
        International Coordinator, Section for Journalism Media & Communication, Stockholm University, Box 27 861, SE-115 93 Stockholm, SWEDEN. Mark the envelope 2-year master. Letters of recommendation are not required.
        What are the academic requirements? 
        See under How to apply/Selection
        If I am in the final year of my BA, can I still apply? 
        Yes, but you must provide documentation to prove that you are on track to graduate before enrolling at Stockholm University. You must present your Bachelor's degree to us to register for studies. Follow instructions on how to document your eligibility at
        Do you offer any scholarships? 
        Yes, mostly for non-EU/EEA or Swiss students. The program usually havs grantees on Swedish Institute scholarships every year. Scholarships for studies at SU
        I have questions about my international grades and exams, who will help me?
        Contact our Admissions Office or
        Where can I find key dates and deadlines for the application? 
        Please visit >> for current information.
        When does the Program begin? 
        In late August/early September every fall semester. There is no spring admission. 
        Can I complete the Program in one year? 
        No, there is no 1-year option.
        I missed the international deadline - can I apply in the second round closing April 15? 
        Only if you are a EU/EEA or Swiss citizen or hold a visa valid for studies in Sweden.
        I missed the deadline and the online application is still open – can I still apply? 
        Yes, but late applicants cannot be admitted unless all other qualified applicants have declined their admission offers. The comparative quality between applications from qualified applicants with applications submitted on time and late qualified applicants is irrelevant. Late applicants are admitted by the order of time when a complete online application was submitted. 
        I am planning to apply for scholarships as well, when do I apply? 
        In the first round October 15 - January 15 
        Can I send my application to you at the Department directly? 
       NO.  Never send anything to us directly unless instructed to do so. We will not accept your application nor make any preliminary assessments. All application documents to most universities in Sweden are scanned and verified at a central scanning facility and accessed electronically by admissions officers who assess your eligibility. Your application must be available to the person with the right expertise and can therefore not only be sent to the Department.  
        How do I certify my documents? 
        Follow instructions at >>
        I am a non-EU/EEA or Swiss citizen - how much are tuition and fees? 
        Application and tuition fees are adjusted on a year-by-year basis. You will find the cost for each course/program in our course catalogue by clicking on the text: "Tuition fees only concern citizens outside the EU, EES and Switzerland" 
        Where can I find semester dates? 
        Please consult the University's Academic Calendar Semester/term Dates
        My question remains unanswered after reading everything on your website and at - where can I turn? 
        Please call or e-mail using the contact details found on this page.
        Will Stockholm University help me find accomodation?

    No. All national/international master's students need to find accomodation on their own. Helpful information is available from the SU Housing Office.

    You study off Campus in Centre of Stockholm close to nature

    Our facilities are at Karlavägen 104 in Stockholm. Just around the corner of Swedish Public Radio and television and the Royal National City Park

    JMK etxterior
    Foto: Ingmarie Andersson SU

    For the courses in this program we use the learning platform Athena

    As a registered student you can follow our courses and get all specific information regarding your education online via Athena.


    Access Athena here

  • Meet us

    Meet our teachers

    Find out more about our staff here

    Meet our researchers

    Global Media Studies and the Politics of Mediated Communication

    Leading Research Environment

    At the Department we have ongoing projects with researchers specialized in the area of the programme.

    Find out more about this and the researchers here.

  • Career opportunities

    What this degree may lead to

    Graduates will be well prepared and eligible for further academic studies (Ph.D.). A smaller percentage of graduates are currently enrolled in doctoral studies at the Department of Media Studies and at other universities in Sweden and abroad.

    Global Media Studies Alumni can be found in a variety of professional fields, most commonly within Communication and PR, Advertising, Research, and Media Production. Many stay in Stockholm and a majority find relevant job opportunities already within 6 months of graduation.

    Graduates will have acquired solid analytical and research skills, enabling them to process and evaluate large amounts of information and/or complex issues and communicate key points and findings in a comprehensible and structured way to different audiences.

    Other transferrable skills include presentation and public speaking, time-management, teamwork, and collaborative skills. These skills in combination with knowledge and understanding of media can then be applied in a professional job setting.

    Non-EU/EEA/Swiss students have the opportunity to stay for 6 months after graduation to look for work or start a business (application required before graduation).


  • Contact

    General queries regarding admission and selection process

    Students office:

    Questions regarding the education, course etc

    Student Counsellor: