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Art in School

As a teacher in school-age education and care and the art subject, you work with pupils between ages 6-12 years. The assignment is to create meaningful leisure time for pupils that challenge and stimulate learning as well as awaken the desire to create.

Lärare i dialog med elever under bildlektion i förskoleklass.
Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein.

During the three-year long programme, the student will develop professional skill and learn to create pedagogical environments that render play and learning possible. The student are introduced to aesthetic learning processes such as music, art, dance, and drama. The student will also learn to work with multi modal working processes that may include learning mathematics and Swedish outdoors or to use digital tools in teaching.

An important aspect is to, while designing the teaching, be able to intercept and emanate from pupils’ own needs, interests, and experiences.

The student will also get advanced knowledge in conflict resolution, leadership, and how to work with pupils’ social development. It means, among other things, to work with group activities and democracy projects. Furthermore, the student will learn to plan, execute, and assess the teaching in school-age education and care in relation to regulatory documents.

Entry Art in School

By choosing the entry Art in School, the student will also be able to work as a teacher in the subject in school, from preschool class to sixth form. In the art courses, the student will work with art theoretical literary studies and moulding through various techniques and materials.

The Subject Coursces in Art cover:

  • material and techniques for two- and three dimensional mouldings and process portfolio
  • the didactics of the art subject
  • didactic questions about children’s and young people’s visual cultures
  • theories and methods for art analysis and visual communication


  • Programme overview

    The program consists of 180 ECTS and run over a period of six semesters (three years).
    Apart from the specialisation in Art, 30 ECTS, the student read courses in:

    • School age educare, 60 ECTS (including a degree project of 15 ECTS)
    • The educational science core, 60 ECTS
    • Teaching placement, 30 ECTS

    During the final semester, the students do a degree project, the aim of which is to give them sound bases to develop a scientific approach.
    The study programme leads to a Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education, 180 ECTS.


    Year 1

    First semester

    School age education and care I: Learning in and about school age educare, Part I, 7, 5 credits

    The history of Education and its role in society, 5 credits

    School Placement I, 2,5 credits

    Perspectives on learning and development, 7,5 credits

    School age educare I: Learning in and out about school age educare, Part II, 7,5 credits

    Second semester

    Art in School I or Music I or Physical Education I, 15 credits

    Law and Ethics in Schools, 2,5 credits

    School Placement II, 5 credits

    School-Age Educare III: Language and Mathematics through Multimodal Learning, 7,5 credits

    Year 2

    Third semester

    Social Relations in School, 7,5 credits

    School Age Educare II, Multimodal Learning and Identity Formation, 7,5 credits

    Art in School II or Music II or Physical Education II, 15 credits

    Fourth semester

    School Placement III in Music or Art or Physical Education in School, 7,5 credits

    School Age Educare IV: Leadership and collaboration, 7,5 credits

    Presentation and Rhetoric’s, 3,5 credits

    Special Education, 7,5 credits

    Development and Evaluation in Primary and Secondary School, 4 credits

    Year 3

    Fifth semester

    School-Age Education and Care V: Subject Work in School with Exploratory Methods, 7,5 credits

    Knowledge, Science and Methology, 7,5 credits

    Subject Didactics of School Age Education and Care, Curriculum Theory and Assessment, 15 credits

    Sixth semester

    Degree Project, Teacher Education Programme for Primary School, Specializing in School-Age Education and Care, 15 credits

    School Placement IV, 15 credits