Early life conditions, health development and child public health
This course will cover aspects of infant, child, and adolescent health from a public health perspective and in a national, European, and global context. Processes of transition into adulthood, with focus on reproduction are covered.
Other aspects will include concepts and methods in child public health and health promotion, social pediatrics, as well as vulnerable children and their needs. Current issues in child public health are reviewed and discussed, as are children’s rights and social determinants of child health and development. After the course, the student will be familiar with epidemiological methods and life-course theories and able to relate these to research and policies that support early child health and development and mitigate social inequalities in health.
Course structure
Teaching format
The teaching will be based on lectures, practicals and seminars. Participation in the seminars is mandatory. In case of absence, the student will be given a compensatory assignment.
The course will be taught in English.
See the course description for more detailed information. The course description will available at least one month before the course starts.
PH11A1 Course description Spring term 2024 (263 Kb)
Course manager
Ilona Grünberger
The examination will be in English.
Ilona Grünberger, Jonas Landberg
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course. -
Course reports
Study counsellorStudy Administrator, Basic and Advanced LevelElisabeth HanssonStudy Administrator, Basic and Advanced Level
Coordinator, master's programmeSol JuarezCoordinator, master's programme
Director of Studies, Basic and advanced levelsJonas LandbergDirector of Studies