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Gender Psychology

This course provides an introduction to theories and research on sex and gender from a psychological perspective. The course covers a number of areas within psychology to show how sex and gender affects people in a number of areas during their lifetime.

The course discusses societal debates in relation to the field. For example, the evolutionary versus socially constructed nature of sex and gender, binary versus fluid conceptualization of gender identity, and the influence of descriptive and normative gender stereotypes.

The course has a social psychological orientation, but incorporates other psychological perspectives and gender theory (for example feminism and queer theory). The course provides knowledge of principles within scientific methods that contribute to theory and studies on sex and gender.

  • Course structure

    As a registered student on this course you will find detailed course information and communication in the learning platform Athena. Login with your university account.

    The course will be offered for the first time in the spring semester 2024. It will be a full-time course with all teaching sessions taking place remotely (online) and in English. It will be given in the third quarter of the spring semester 2024.

    Course instructions
    Gender psychology, 7,5 credits, spring 2024 (304 Kb)

    Teaching format

    Instruction is given in the form of lectures, seminars, group work and oral presentations.

    Participation in seminars, group work and oral presentations are mandatory elements of the course.

    All teaching sessions take place remotely (online).

    Teaching is given in the language specified for each respective course offering.

    For more detailed information, refer to the course instructions.

    Learning outcomes

    In order to pass the course, students are expected to be able to:

    • Give an account of basic theories and concepts that explain different facets of sex and gender.
    • Give an account of and apply specific theories and concepts within the various areas covered during the course.
    • Give an account of and critically discuss scientific methods that are used to study different aspects of sex and gender.
    • Give an account of and analyze how gender psychology can be applied in relation to society and individuals.


    The course is examined through ongoing digital quizzes as well as an individually written report and oral presentation of a group case study.


    Course leader: Marie Gustafsson Sendén,

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    A complete list of course readings is found in the course syllabus.

    The list is subject to change until two months prior to the start of the course. In case the new course syllabus is missing above by then, please check with the course leader before you buy any expensive books etc.

  • Contact

    Registered students should primarily use Athena for teacher communication.

    To contact the Student office or a Student Councellor, see below.

    More contacts in Education

    Student office - Bachelor's level
    Study councellor - Bachelor's level